Monday, January 09, 2012


We're back in the swing of life....full force. LOL 

Friday we got an incredible amount of school done. 

Saturday I had a spouse's breakfast - sweet time together. 

Michael had some suspenses he was working on both Saturday and Sunday. So...the kids and I got more school done. I also moved some posts over here that I wanted to have in our family journal. 

Sunday we were back at Sunday School...we'd been off for the Christmas/New Year's Break.  Michael spent the day at chapel and we puttered. 

I moved Asia Region's off-site blog from wordpress to blogspot...not seamless but I've got the majority of things moved or linked. Maybe. 

I'm trying to learn how to do a few new techie tricks....booked some airplane trips. 

LOTS more school today.  We're moving at a rapid clip....trying to make up for the long Christmas break we had as well as get ahead for some spring fun. 

Nothing earth-shattering or a lot of fun....but needful. LOL

Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

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