Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Last Day

We had a lazy morning as we didn't need to leave for Goodfellow's chapel until 1030.  I was up early and started the day with a nice walk around the park and down by the lake. I had a good meeting of the mind with Jesus. I even had time to get meatballs in the crockpot and plan the go withs before we left.  Chapel was good. The sermon was on Mark 4 and was much appreciated as we're facing a couple of storms. It's always fun to see folks we know  - though by now that is mostly retirees as all else have moved on to new assignments.
The plan was for the boys and Larissa to meet us at the trailer. All went as planned until I began putting dishes away. A knife flipped out of the drainer and stabbed the side/top of my foot.  It hurt. It bled a lot. Stacia ran out of the trailer yammering about blood. Others came in and saw well - lots of blood on the floor and me doubled over the sink.  Michael put lots of pressure on it for quite a bit of time - and then I moved to this chair and we did more pressure and elevation. I was determined not to spend hours in an urgent care clinic on my last day with the Gherkins.
This seriously derailed my meal prep. Arielle suggested we go to Mr. Gattis. She said it was a family tradition and we'd not done it yet. We all headed over for the buffet and games.....and I sat around with my foot up.



Jamin and Josiah

Alex & Stacia


Nolan and Stacia

Stacia, Michael & Arielle

Josiah, Larissa, Jared, Alex, Jamin

Jamin Alex, Larissa, Jared
  At the campsite we walked, played basketball and visited.
Jared teaches Stacia to dribble

Seven of Nine Gherkins - Stacia, Arielle
Zander, Nolan, Josiah, Jared, Jamin - we miss the girls and Izaak.

We found one latent graduation gift for Arielle as we packed in preparation of leaving San Angelo in the morning.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I used to love to eat at Mr. Gatti's when I lived in Lake Charles, Louisiana! Great memory you sparked there.

Sorry about your foot - glad it didn't impede your day. And I love that blanket for Arielle's graduation. :)