Friday, May 20, 2022

Extra Tidbits from the Week

It's amazing to be able to get OUTSIDE again on our respite dates. The grey water indicates the glacier upstream is melting.


 The chicks are getting bigger. Michael thinks they are still too small to move outside...but maybe in a couple of weeks. They are NOISY. They like to perch on top of the feed and water containers.  Changing their brooder is a two-person job now. They love to fly at one's face and make a break to the rest of the house. 

Wibbly Wobbly Acres Park is in full operation. 

"Look how big they are!"

I keep thinking when they are all sleeping on TOP of the heat plate, they could do without it....but then we find them huddled under it too. 

With fuel reward points - $5.04 a gallon - I hope that translates to a fat PFD (permanent fund divididend) in October for Alaskans. 

No filter - look how GREEN it has gotten in the last week. The weather has been amazing. It was over 70* today.  Several of us found time to just relax in the sun. 

We realized today it's been a very busy month. We've had groups over every weekend this month....I was saying the month would lighten up on Monday and Michael got a strange look and told me the month will be over shortly. LOL 

It's been a busy people month, but we have found time to relax and the connecting has been good. 

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