One Word

One word memorial stones.....

In my quiet times, usually in the fall, I began to sense a word that will clue me in to a theme God is going to work in and through me during the upcoming year/season. Often these words don't "stop" at a new year....they linger... works such as holiness, grace, glory, wholehearted love, choosing joy, surrender, intimacy.....God has worked each concept into my life, and these words have truly served as memorial stones to that work. Sometimes I'm excited to begin to glimpse the word, i.e. "intimacy." Sometimes I think "really?" i.e. "surrender."

I have previously written about my Personal Memorial Stones.
Via google images 

1994 - 1999 - GRACE!

2000 - Show Me Your Glory - Ex 33:12-23, Ps 57:5

2001 - Holiness - Ezek 36:25

2002 - Heart - Ps 57:7, Ezek 36:26-27, Ps 19, Ps 139:23-24, I Sam 16:7, Ps 119:11

2003 - Delight - Ps 37, Ps 94:19, Ps 36:8-9

2004 - Wholehearted, Extravagant, Lavish LOVE - Mk 12:30-31, I Peter 4:8-10

2005 - Choose Joy - James 1

2006 - Yet... - Habk 3:16 -19

2007 - Contentment - Phil 4:11, Habk 3

2008 - Surrender - James 4:7, Ps 29:10-11, Ps 46:10

2009 - Intimacy - Ps 46:10, Phil 3

2010 - 11 - Watchman - Nehemiah

2012 - Secret Place; Sanctuary Ps 91:1; Ps 96:6; Matt 6

2013  Courage - Josh 1:9; 2 Cor 5:6-9

2014 - Endurance- Heb 12:1, James 1:4, Phil 3:13-14

2015 - Resolve - Daniel 1:8

2016 - SURRENDER - James 4:7, Ps 29:10-11, Ps 46:10  (Lots of  Plot Twists in 2015/16)

2017 - Strong. Courageous. - Joshua 1:9

2018 - Steadfast.  Ps 57:7;  I Chron 16:34

2019 - Yes.

2020 - Pause/Anticipate

2021 - Now. Sanctuary, Refuge, Safe Haven (see 2012). 

2022 - Saturate.

2023 - Transformation. (Grief certainly transforms). 

2024 - Grace.