Saturday, October 22, 2005


15 October 2005

Two of Mike’s squadrons determined that a day of “team building fun” was in order. The commanders lighted on the idea of a Paint Ball War on the base. As the chaplain, Mike was invited to attend and told he could bring his children along for the fun. Josiah, Jamin and Jared decided to join him. Arielle and I thought the whole idea sounded a bit nutty and possibly painful; the younger boys were sleeping when it was time to leave. While I worked on updating the blog the men ventured forth with Mike to “war”.

Near as I can tell they had a blast! We’ve been reliving the four rounds in our dreams and conversations. It would appear that there was at least ONE from the family standing at the end of each round and one round where the only ones left standing were ours. What amused me the most were the comments the boys overheard. “Chaplain G is aggressive”…..”Chaplain G really lights them up”. It would seem it is not just the females in our house that think Chaplain G and his 3rd son are a might bit competitive.

I was ready to attribute this whole event to T-poisoning until Mike informed me that there was quite a bit of estrogen running around on the field as well. Now that we’ve discovered that the base has a paint ball field and equipment you can rent…we are sure to try this as a family. I noted that a box of paint balls made it home with the guys.

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