Saturday, June 10, 2006

We worked HARD today.

Mike went to check on the AC for the Honda. He discovered that he needs to get some other parts fixed before they can think about the AC. Then he went to the office.

Meanwhile, back on the home front, we were working. We cleaned the whole house. That was a goal for the week. Then we started on rooms. Jamin had worked on the older boys’ room earlier in the week. Arielle worked on hers. We all pitched in on the younger boys’ room.

It had a definite odor. Their room has a walk in closet – a really big one. When we moved in we put all the toys in their closet. The kids love to create plays and so we had a lot of costumes that we hung up in there. We had cleaned it all really well in January but over the past few months it had gotten bad again. We took out two garbage bags of broken toys. We have a giant box of toys and such to go to the thrift store. We found mounds and mounds of laundry. We steam cleaned the carpets (their room and the rest of the house). We washed sheets and sprayed every surface with Fabreeze. They have fewer toys left now but they are all organized. We found THREE cases of diaper wipes in there. I’m not sure the smell is gone. We’ll see.

Mike got home for a couple of hours. I made a trip to Sam’s for more laundry soap. Mike had a combat dining in tonight. The kids and I had dinner and now the older ones are watching “The Return of the Titans”.

That’s the day.

A clean closet

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