The Boys are HOME! They had a great time. We haven’t gotten to talk much as they got home late – but we stayed up for about an hour and chatted. It was fun to hear of the friends they saw etc. Thanks to all who made their trip enjoyable…especially Dayton.
It seems that Jamin came in 3rd in a “July 2nd/4th” race in Hoonah. It was funny to hear the boys talk about it. The announcer was saying “In first, here comes Cooper; in 2nd Cooper’s father; and I don’t know whose in 3rd”. The only disappointment to ME on this trip is that they did not go Halibut fishing and thus my stock of Halibut is down to 3 measly packages. The chapel Halibut fishing trip is *TODAY*. {sigh}
While we waited for the boys to get home last night we watched a couple of ORIGINAL *Star Trek* episodes, *Chicken Little* and a few *Hogan’s Heroes* episodes. Poor Arielle, Stacia and Zander fell asleep and have not seen the boys yet.
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