The Co-OP FIASCO DIET – guaranteed to loose 2 lbs a week…..or your money back?
Monday – some days are just MONDAYS. {G}
Somehow Tucson Cooperative/Shop Natural lost our order. I send it online. It was ONLINE last week. I thought I was loosing my mind but two other members remember it being there too. When I didn’t get a call this weekend about what time to expect the truck tonight – I began to worry. I checked online and our order was no longer there. I called Shop Natural and they said they didn’t have any record of any order…..meanwhile I HAVE the invoices!!!! So at one time they must have had it…..but somewhere there obviously was a computer glitch. They told me that they could get our things on a truck tomorrow to Fort Stockton…but I would need to drive 150 miles to pick it up…and I don’t have the time to do this…nor the $$$ for gas. LOL This is a bummer. I personally had purchased things for the trip to make traveling with Zander easier. I guess we’ll simply have to find health food stores between here and Spokane…but really I think the farther west you go the bigger the organic market is.
I spent a good part of the day calling everyone to tell them not to come here tonight to get food.
I tried to wash diapers and the machine wouldn’t work….Josiah finally got it working. He also fixed my dishwasher but we discovered at dinner that it isn’t working right either.
Jamin is working for the folks that are housing our garden. Unfortunately, for us all, they are moving to Dallas in about 3 weeks. They have a lovely home and I’d love to buy out there…but no matter how I try to envision working it – we wouldn’t fit…unless we built an apartment in their barn…..but since we only plan to be here two more years it isn’t realistic to even attempt to buy it. LOL Jamin is helping them paint and repair the barn as the house is going on the market.
I guess I’m going to have to go buy organic at the big box stores this month. Ugh.
That’s that – my day so far. The kids are waiting for me to read Narnia to them. OH – Becky and her kidlets came over to escape the drilling at their house…so that was a bright spot in the strange day. LOL
argh! How frustrating about your co-op order. Seems it's always something with co-op's. To get the good parts of them you have to put up with a little bad. Hopefully next time you order things will go smoothly.
I'm REALLY missing my co-op order items this week. UGH. I've now checked the local stores that everyone recommends and they simply don't have the selection that we get form Shop Natural.
Yes - I'm hoping next order will be smooooooth.
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