Friday Ends
Shew – Mike and Jared emerged from the attic soaking wet. It must have been 150* up there….it wasn’t much less down here yesterday. :::snort::: Mike lost 5 lbs yesterday….I wonder if I can bill work around here as a guaranteed weight loss plan….I could market this and get others to pay ME to do the work.
Adrienne called and wondered if we could meet her family at the bowling ally. Mike thought that sounded fun….so we headed over for a free game of bowling. Another friend, Trish, and her daughters met us there. I only regret that I forgot to call her to tell her we were coming or she would have brought her older son Andrew too. Jamin was with us this time. Kwame was even there and my young boys were totally awed to see Kobe and Caeden’s dad in uniform…with a GUN…..One commented, “I didn’t know he was a policeman I thought he was just a chaplain”. ::::snort:::: Poor chaplains – maybe they need to start carrying guns.
We got home minutes before our pizza (ordered online) arrived. An encouraging side note is that the old favorite “Canadian Bacon and Pineapple” didn’t fare well in the competition to see which kind we need more of. I think we are down to ½ and ½ now….
Jamin had asked if I could get *Aladdin and the King of Thieves* for movie night from Netflix. He had seen it before but none of the little ones or Mike and I had. Have any of you noticed that in the last couple of year’s Disney is making less overtly sorcery type movies…..Madagascar, over the hedge, cars, emperor’s new groove….???? Is this a trend or am I simply unaware of the other movies that have come out. We had a good talk where we listed all the Disney with the witch/sorcerer theme……and most before the last few years would qualify. We haven’t bought Disney in years so hadn’t noticed a change in their offerings…..
Oh, Krista called during the movie and we got to have a nice visit with her. She’ll be spending next week at a high school camp. She’s the only girl on the team going because they needed someone small enough to play Isaac in a skit. LOL She’s taken up Tae Kwon Do and plans to show us some moves when she is home. She can take it free at a church in Spokane….I wonder if that is an option down here anywhere. Bre will be going to another camp – I think another kids camp next week. Please pray for the girls as they make lots of decisions about next year and their futures.
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