Many of you remember that my father fell 10 weeks ago and had surgery. He’s been doing well. He’s out of rehab and walking with a cane at home.
Yesterday a.m. I woke up dreaming of Mom and Dad and felt a need to pray – which I did all day. I also meant to call but the day got away from me. I started today with the goal of calling but the day got away again and I planned to call this evening.
I got a call from my sister in law. I just got off the phone with my Mom. They are at the doctor’s. Evidently, the screw that was put into the ball joint of dad’s hip has worked its way completely through the joint and into the socket. He’s in lots of pain. They plan to do surgery tonight or tomorrow and will take out all the metal they placed 10 weeks ago. They will need to do a bone graft and attempt the surgery again. Needless to say this is a concern. Dad and Mom are discouraged…’s been 10 weeks of HARD PT to get him to the point he’s at and now it starts again. Please pray for them. Pray for Dad’s leg to quickly heal, for rehab, for their continued financial well-being, for Dad’s spirit and determination.
check out the verse that's on our blogs today. Fitting for the trials we're all going through right now...Isaiah 41:10
Jen ;)
Jen - you are such a good reminder. LOL Thanks.
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