Mike is spending the day at the office/chapel….we’ll join him tonight for our service. The kids and I have run around town getting various things we needed to buy.
I bought a big dry erase board for the calendar as we are really liking the way our calendar is working…but it keeps falling off the wall and doesn’t erase very easily. I also stocked up on folders, crayons and such for the upcoming school year. YES – I got 6 different colors of everything. :::snort:::
We tried to buy more fish only to find that the fish have some worm and can’t be sold – aHA that may explain our bad luck with the fish we purchased from Petco. The kids have decided they need a new furry animal. I said NO RATS or MICE or HAMSTERS or anything similar…still having nightmares from the last experience. They are looking at ferrets and rabbits…and cats…but I’m quite sure Mike won’t allow a cat. {sigh – really his only glaring fault!}
I took Arielle out to find some new shorts and shirts. She is TERRIBLE to shop for. She picked some out, got home and decided that she didn’t like them. ARGH. I can’t wait until Bre gets home – SHE will take this job over for me. She has EARNED it as she is the same way. :::snort:::
Anyway – we spent the afternoon shopping and the evening at chapel.
How about a teacup rabbit. This is what Hayley would like to get at some point. A rabbit but more the size of a small guinea pig. We saw one at a pet shop not too long ago, it was a rescue/shelter pet I think. Not something the pet shop typically carried.
I have just added a new rat picture to my blog (well cats, rats, dog) so don't look if you don't want to see the rats!
Glad to hear you found items you needed in 6 different colors. I find it so convenient to keep my kids in their own color or pattern for things. Then everyone knows whose is whose and is responsible for their own.
Sorry to hear that your Dads recovery is not so good today. I'll be praying for him and all of you.
Mike is not sure about any more pets around here. LOL I think teacup sounds good.....the boys were searching for ferret stuff on the internet last night.
Saw the rat pictures - surprised your cat doesn't sample them.....maybe your home is an example on earth of that verse that says the lion will lay down with the lamb. LOL
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