Jamin has been telling me that I should open a restaurant with all the new "healthy" things I've learned and recipes I've adapted. We've joked about it. We are kicking around a retreat center for worn out pastors and women and such.....and think a bed/breakfast may play in there.....
Over the trip he told me he'd like to own a restaurant some day. I think he could do this. Last night he and I had talked about an idea he had. Sunday he tried some doughnuts that didn't work as well as we'd hoped. The whole grains just don't work the same way. AND we don't much care for a lot of deep frying. Monday or Tuesday he used the same dough and baked them and they were really wonderful, flakey bisquits....something I've been trying to achieve since leaving white flour behind. Last night, we discussed how to fill them. I woke up this a.m. to wonderfully filled bisquit pie filling in some and butter, cinamon and pecans in the others. They were yummy.
If you think of us today and read this early - PRAY for us. We've got an impossible schedule - many appointments chapel, homeschool and personal AND Mike has to get a small pox vacine unless he can talk them out of it. It does seem he had one when he was a child - but this only means they want to give him MORE of the vacinne.
De'Etta, it's not early but I've prayed for you! I pray you get your list done AND you don't feel rushed and harried.
I'd love to know how he made those donuts. We like to bake ours. I never fill them, but I've often thought about it. I figured filling a pastry bag with something and using a large tip and then just squeeze it into the donut? Is that sound about how Jamin did it?
Remember we are using whole wheat so the texture is different....he rolled out the dough...add the filling, folded over...
He uses a doughnut recipe from Joy of Cooking.
I'm reading this very, very late but since you're in a different time zone maybe a quick prayer is still in order! Hope the day went smoothly.
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