I forgot to say that at Mom's Night Out they had a freebie table. What a great idea. I now can put things THERE when we move instead of sending them to Goodwill.
I picked up a set of an economics course from BJU (complete with 3 workbooks, teacher manual and tests), a book called "Webbing with Literature" that looks like it will easily integrate with TOG and two copies of Zoobook.
One of my greatest finds was a copy of *The Old Schoolhouse*. Being a visual- show me type person I have been wanting to see a copy of this magazine to decide if I want to subscribe. The last homeschool magazines I received were years and years ago. I quit getting them because they were ALWAYS late and saying "forgive us we're a homeschool family". I always wanted to write back and say "Money's short - we're a homeschool family - don't worry if my payment is 6 months late". :::snort::: That's sort of my pet peeve. I'm always willing to extend grace when situations are out of a persons control but these were two well-known business names, they took my money, and I felt that they should publish on time instead of sending little notes explaining why they never published on time. Both magazines were also from a very definite theological background - and it didn't really match mine. LOL This was so LONG ago that the internet was JUST getting popular and I decided that the internet would have support that I needed in a timely fashion. However, this magazine looks like it may be a fun one to have and at least it LOOKS very professional. If any of you have done business with them - feel free to warn me if they are late each month. LOL I'm excited to sit and wait somewhere and read this. Sitting and waiting time will not be hard to find....I still have to deal with Tri-care today in an attempt to make two appointments. LOL
My greatest find is another program I've been wanting to SEE. Jodi, I picked up the Yellow Book of Learning Language Arts through Literature for FREE. The lady who had it on the table said she's had it for free at three meetings and no one ever picked it up. She said that she didn't think people realized what it was. I agree. LOL I'm excited to check it out - but I'm not sure the level is one that "fits" for us this year.
LLATL yellow is approx. "3rd grade". I'm using it for a 4th and 6th. LOL
It seems like a good place to start for children who are reading well but haven't had formal grammar yet and need to learn or practice cursive handwriting. There is also spelling and writing. I'll be interested to hear if you like it when/if you try it. It's very CM, very Beechick. It takes 20 minutes or less each day and is a complete language arts curriculum. We're finding it a good fit here with the littles in the phonics blue book (about 5 weeks in now)and the bigs in the yellow book(about 2 weeks in).
AT this point I need to look and see if I want to use it this year or wait. I'm wondering if I could use the principles with what are already doing/reading in TOG or if I'd want to skip something in TOG to make room for it.....but I'm thrilled to have it and check it out.
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