Oh goodness! This is going to begin with a major whine. I think I've been plunked back in red neck land....or worse. I won't type the word I was thinking. Our Quality Inn looks to be a very old, old Holiday Inn with a peeling layer of pink and purple paint. Our hotel room has a moth-eaten curtain - it glows PINK! Hot PINK! Somehow our hotel reservation got mixed up; and here we are. I'm praying that our hotel in Santa Fe is NOT like this. The same chain had a fabulous hotel in both Glenwood Springs, CO and Spokane, WA. You don't believe me about red-neck heaven? Well.....o.k. The hotel is hosting a huge pool tournament....I thought it was a punker convention - but maybe not. The music that BLARES through all the hallways is honky tonk country. To my right I can hear rowdy music and I'm right outside of the two giant pool lounges - as in pool tables.... Groups (more like mobs) of punkers loiter in the parking lot.....and it all reeks of smoke...... Our rooms are second floor and right above the pool - which means we get to hear all sorts of shenanigans and I decided there was no sleeping so I may as well update. Oh yes...there are little plastic - woodburned looking "welcome" signs on each door....and some doors are graced with actual wood burnings that fill you in on who occupied the room before you "Patty Duke, John Wayne, James Arness, Slim Pickens, Goldie Hawn, Charles Bronson, Tom Selleck".....I can assure you it was not any time lately that the likes of these slept anywhere near here. LOL
OK vent over. We'll be here two nights...then on to Santa Fe where we booked another Quality Inn.....a tip for military travelers they give wonderful military discounts at all the Choice Inn hotels....and this is the only bad one we've run into. :::snort:::
Now t0 back up...we ended the night last night by watching *Fat Albert* in our spacious, clean, modern, smoke free room. Jared DID cut himself on the glass on the pool deck. They gave us $40 off our bill - not sure why but they did. {G}
We left this a.m. and began to wander through the off roads of Colorado. I think I mentioned that we are deliberately avoiding the Interstate on our way home. We are making progress each day but are loving all the new scenery. Today was a combo over very lush, gorgeous scenery and some stark but still awe-inspiring scenery.
We stopped at Leadville and ST Elmo. Saint Elmo is a ghost town but it seems that many are buying the property up and moving in. We ran into a lot of ATV's today. . . and jeeps. We hiked to a mine...then sent Josiah and Krista back to get the van because it looked like the van could handle the terrain. Anything an ATV can do our 15 passanger can do better. :::snort::: We found the exact mine where Mike had camped with his family over 35 years ago. THEN we got in the van and continued up the path - to land that even the jeeps turned back from. We continued....laughing all the time at the obvoius choice Mike was having to make...adventure or well....anyway he chose adventure. We finally reached a spot where even Mike thought it wouldn't be wise to push the van any further. He set the brake and we hiked to another mine. We heard a loud sliding sound and Josiah dead panned, "I coulda sworn I'd set the brake!"
We left St Elmo and headed on to Canon City (where we currently reside in smoke filled hot pink surroundings). We decided on a lark to drive over the Royal Gorge bridge. The signs pointed the way. We figured it may cost as much as Yellowstone. ...$25 a car...and I was proud of Mike for being willing to put out $50 for this. We got to the pay station and found that they wanted $29 per person and a bit of a break for younger kids. It was going to be $250 for us to drive across the bridge. They have an "amusement park" here and so your fee buys you "all this"....but Sea World is cheaper, Yellowstone National Park is cheaper....we headed back to the hwy.
We are in Canon City because we could find NOTHING in Westcliffe or Saldia. Mike and the older ones are going to go on a giant hike will be cool. I did 3/4 of it with Mike over 20 years ago. He told the kids today that I did great but that I've always lived at sea level so hiking 2 miles past see a cave....well I did the 4 mile hike to the bottom of the Mountain and then I hiked a good mike straight up to timberline...and then I sat down and quit. I thought I'd just quit and was thinking I'd try again...with Zander and Stacia in tow. Mike remidnded me that last time I quit because I couldn't feel my legs.....and I found lots of bear prints. I'm going to keep the younger ones down HERE in Canon City.....I thought we'd swim and such at the hotel but after seeing the hotel...I think we'll explore the town. One can only take so much raucos pool tournament fun.
Ok - I'm feeling better. It really is quite funny. It always feels safe to pick a reputable chain but you never know until you open that door what you'll find. Mike began seriously talking about selling our pop-up camper and buying a trailer. He checked us in and realized that what we pay EACH night for two rooms is about the same as a month's payment. If we had a trailer we'd know where we were sleeping and we could eat what we wanted to eat too........that's a whole different story. Thank God we had a few home cooked meals along the way ...but restaurant food is getting old. LOL
Don't know if you already know about how to check for bedbugs or not but just a quick headsup for ya'. When you get to a hotel room and before everyone starts unpacking and anyone sits on a bed or anything, pull the mattress out from the wall and pull the sheet off the back corners of the mattress. Look for little black bugs hiding in the folds and seams of the mattresses, usually back by the wall. They look like little beetles or cockroaches or something like that. I know you've already slept in quite a few hotels and are probably almost home by now but they are supposed to be soooo-soooo hard to get rid of it you do pick them up!
Have a good rest of your trip!
Jen in Az.
Hey D, beth here........ hope you are enjoying your time, and that you left not only the racous hotel behind but any bed bus as well. LOL I had to laugh about bear tracks thinking about chipper!!! his family is way over in COlorado eh? that bad bear sure gets around! praying your trip continues to be safe and happy and you are all reassimilating and celebrating at being together again.
De'Etta, what a great story teller you are. I am enjoying your trip! Hope the rest goes smoothly and safely. Love the redneck adventure.
I can highly recommend the travel trailer. We traded our pop-up in in 1992 and have had a travel trailer ever since. You can even park in parking lots and at least get a good nights sleep and homecooked food. I very fondly remember one year we had Thanksgiving dinner in our trailer at the FamCamp at Little Rock Air Base. Cooked a pie and everything in our little oven...okay, we needed an outdoor cooker for the turkey, but still, a lot of fun.
Yuck, yuck, yuck, that hotel sounds awful! Hopefully you won't go home with any bed bugs or lice or anything else creepy crawly! Have we all made you itch yet? I hope the rest of your trip is very nice hotels!
Bedbugs look more like little mites. They're teeny tiny. Believe me. I had bites from head to toe at a hotel in Louisianna!
Hi De'Etta,
It seems like your life is such an adventure :) I'm wondering how your van is doing??? Is it no longer dying? Did they fix it?
Anyway, sorry about your hotel. We have been to some like that. Doug and I like to stay at this one hotel. Well, on the weekends they have live bands for entertainment. I used to complain about how horrible it was and they kept me up, blah blah blah. That's where the band Doug runs sound for plays now LOL. Life sure is funny sometimes.
Well, enjoy the rest of your trip home. We are at the lake this week at my Dad's cottage. Thankfully Doug brought his laptop and Dad has DSL. Yep, I'm roughing it :::snort:::
ARGH - I'll begin to check for bugs from here on out! {G}
LIFE is an adventure - that's my motto. Seriously, I've taught the kids to say when we move or when I'm lost in a new location "oh - we're having an adventure" - attitude is 9/10ths of anything. LOL
Beth - I miss you. Ladies, chipper is a dog that stalked me from the bathrooms to the tent when we were camping with Beth's family in the Redwoods. I spoke sharply at him and threw twigs at hime only to discover he was a BEAR the next a.m.
Yes - Beth, can't tell you how wonderful it is to have everyone together again....and I'm diligently trying to ignore the fact that Mike deploys in a couple of weeks......
After living in CO for over 20 years, we finally visited Royal Gorge last month when my dad and his wife visited. I gagged on the ~$20 entrance fee. My dad went ahead and paid for us all, and we did end up enjoying our day there. BUT we also agreed that if it had been just my dad and his wife, they would have paid, walked over the bridge and left. If it had been dh and I, we would have turned around and not paid at all. But because my 11yodd and 7yods were there, we did go in. It was fun, waaaaaay too touristy, and not at all what we were expecting., but now we can say we went and don't have to go back!
I was skimming your blog--did you know that Canon City is the "prison capital of the world," housing the shoe bomber, the Unabomber, and many other infamous criminals. I think there are 9? prisons, most privately run, along with the Fremont County Jail, and the "intake" center for the CO Dept. of Corrections, through which all state prisoners pass before being assigned a more permanent prison home. Your trivia for the day!
Wow - Kristine - I didn't know all that about Canon City and I'm glad to get your take on the Royal Gorge.
It's probably good I didn't know about all the famous prisoners while we were there. LOL
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