Krista, Mike and I went to the traditional service this a.m.
Krista and I zipped home right after service. Mike stayed to visit with a few folks who needed to talk to him.
I got many comments on my new dress – I’m starting to look the part I suppose. ::snort::: I still prefer the jeans and tanks that I wore to the contemporary service tonight! BTW I figured out that if I wear the tanks that are to low BACKWARDS they are classy and modest. LOL
When we got home I was totally impressed at what the other kids had accomplished in the hour we were gone. Salads were made, living room was picked up….I made hamburger patties, roasted some veggies and made a sauce for fruit salad…..
Steve and Debby and their two boys (Steven and Michael) came over for the afternoon. The adults had a good time “fellowshipping” while the boys and our older ones Bre – Jared played monopoly. The storm began during the afternoon and Jared and Krista ran out to play in the rain! LOL
Service was great tonight. Things are really, really gelling in the service and it is awesome. Now here’s a funny…..Mike has been wondering who to assign to the service for the time he is deployed. They had requested a man be sent here who could do the student service....and got a wonderful new chaplain. The thing that made assigning services so challenging, however, is that the new chaplain is an Episcopalian priest. I told Mike that we’d prayed and to wait and see. Would you believe that the new chaplain was formerly Church of God before becoming Episcopalian and is comfortable in contemporary? He is going to be just fine in the service for 6 months…God has such a sense of humor because Mike was raised Episcopalian and is now Pentecostal. :::snort:::
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