Today at our **House**!
We continue to do all those chores that are required at the end of an extended trip.
AND We tackled some of Mike's "pre-deployment" list....the boys took out a dead tree from the front yard. Mike tackled our tub....unfortunately...the G family handyman's curse holds...never, say NEVER touch a bathroom project. Those of you who are friends from AK will remember last time we tried to do a small job in a bathroom. We began needing to fix the grout in the tub and ended up replacing drywall, tile, grout, tub, toilet (which had to be SPECIAL ORDERED) get the picture.... The tubs in this house have a small amount of rust that needs to be repaired. Mike bought the kit. He dug into it and found the previous owner had puttied a big hole in the tub and covered it with grout and white paint.....The home inspector that SAID he knew a couple of guys who could fix that in town suddenly can't come up with a name. We're trying to find a plumber to see if this can be fixed or if we need to buy a new tub....which means the grout and tile will need to removed....and Mike said he's not checked the dry wall yet....I told him NOT TO LOOK! He will. {g}
I went grocery shopping and uploaded pictures and continued laundry. Bre and Krista worked on their my spaces.....guess I can't complain about blogging too much as I was given the "most prolific blogger" title on SHS. :::Snort::: They also played with younger ones a lot today.
I made a REAL even. I made cheese/turkey enchiladas, tacos, rice, refried beans, salad....shhh....don't tell the girls they ate organic and tell none of them it was free range turkey. YES - they continue to tease me. They also think the cloth diapers are plain weird.
Here are a couple of pictures....I'll continue to upload road trip pictures in the next few we DID do a was delicious to sleep in this a.m. (0700 is now a luxury). Stacia did o.k. in our room.
Oh yes, Mike took me to look at Road Whales today....ok he says that technically it is NOT a road whale because it isn't a MOTOR what should we call a 31 foot trailer???? Road Dolphin? What???? We also went to Lowe's to price new tubs and sinks...
SCENES FROM OUR HOME (Yep - it's heavenly to all be home again) I'd include a photo of the tub but it is really GROSS looking!

Josiah and Jamin - the dead tree slayers! Photos won't upload
Krista asked me to buy cherries while we were shopping today (Yippee - adults with me on shopping trips!) and we discovered that Stacia loves them!
My favorite - a FULL dining room again - Stacia and I aren't in the picture....
Sounds like you're getting back into normal! We're home, too, and tackling laundry. Doug made the dish we're taking to a picnic tonight while I slept. I'd never had made it through the picnic. I'd love to never nap again LOL.
It is nice to be home and in my own bed!
Oh, I see you are having too much fun on SHS without me. I am off to return from no mail lol.
Glad you're settling in......
De'Etta, Just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your blogs and looking at the pictures!
This one is my favorite because it shows a really good, healthy family - as big a family you are! You are all wonderful and reading your blog makes me smile. How you all take time to enjoy everything together amazes me.
oh yeah...dinner at my house; )
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