Yes - I'm writing in my journal. No - I'm not going to share it all here. In keeping the blog I try to be sure 1. not to share personal things that would make my family uncomfortable and 2. to determine when sharing my personal thoughts if they could possibly be of help to someone else. Frankly - my journal thoughts at this time are intensely personal and I doubt that they would be of much help to anyone would simply give you an inside peek into my heart...and I'm not sure that is needed or valuable.
However - here's a little blurb from my journal today.
And still I believe “a person is safest in the center of God’s will”. I’ve done a lot of thinking about that phrase lately. I don’t believe it means you are SAFE as in “no physical danger or harm will befall you” if you are in God’s will.
I know that a local pastor used this line to explain that Dave Roever wouldn’t have been burned if he’d stayed in the center of God’s will. That stinks. Then I think of Bessie ten Boom comforting Corry ten Boom with the phrase in the MIDDLE OF A NAZI PRISON CAMP!!! Certainly the phrase wasn’t always thought to mean “personal fun and ease follow if you are in the center of God’s will”.
I think it means that we can rest knowing He has led and is with us in the midst of whatever we are experiencing if we have obediently followed Him to the spot we find ourselves in. Step by step…day by day. God is not as concerned with our personal safety as He is with what He can do with us in the center of His will. When our day to see Jesus face to face comes – it will come – regardless of our location. We may as well be about the Father’s business with confidence instead of fretting about personal comfort and safety.
Mike spoke last night in the student service on “Things worth Dying For”. Not a topic that many speak on but we are convinced that this generation wants something that is WORTH fighting for…something that is VALAUBLE enough to give themselves for and to.
Where are my wandering thoughts taking me….to the simple truth that the Shepherd leads and a passionate follower of Christ will follow. We can trust our Shepherd….not that we’ll always get the pleasant bennies but we can trust Him to be with us…to continue to LEAD…and we will continue to follow and in that is great security and peace. This is true not only for military members, but for all of us. And so I come full circle and say that in the center of God’s will WE ARE ‘safe’.
De'Etta, I am crying with you. My heart aches for you, Mike and the family, but your journal comments are so on target. I'm continuing to pray.
DeEtta wrote: say that in the center of God’s will WE ARE ‘safe’.....
because if we are in the center of God's will, we are doing what He wants us to be doing. And if we doing as He wants, then we are safe, safe from eternal damnation. And you can't get much safer than that.....
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