Nolan met Jamin this a.m. with the comment, “Jamin – can we work out?” and Zander ran in and said….”Let’s Work OUT!!!” Then he said he needed “heavy” weights and went and got my purple 3 lb weights. LOL
Arielle has begun a new Boxcar Children book.
Mike did get everything packed…though this involved a couple of trips to the big box stores. Sometime during the day Office Max called. About a month ago Mike had surprised me with a 19 in flat screen monitor. It frees up a LOT of room on our desk – we have 3 computers, 2 printers and a copy machine on the desk. They had to order it in on a rain check. Today they called to tell us our monitor was in. We told them that we already HAD it but the insisted it was in our name. We talked about it and decided now was as good a time as any to add another flat screen to the desk….and really it was about 50% cheaper than the prices around town. LOL I love it when a store insists they haven’t messed up and it actually benefits us.
I have two books coming from PBS and that always makes me happy: *Wild Wacky Totally True Bible Stories - All About Fear CD* by Frank Peretti and *Dumbing Down Our Kids: Why America's Children Feel Good About Themselves but Can't Read, Write, or Add*. I added about six new books to my “wish list”.
We went out to Mike’s favorite spot for lunch: Schlotskys. We drove down to see if the rain had caused the river to flood…it had in spots. Mike made phone calls.
We found a great new park. It had a huge web-like rope climbing structure. The children had a great time climbing on it. Mike joined them. Then they had races to see who could reach the top first. I plan to go back in a few days and stage a picture of the children on it.
My hip is really acting up…who knows I may have to go back to the doctor and have them do some testing instead of guessing. :::snort::: Guess that’s it for the day.
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