It must be something in the air...Nolan woke up and told me he'd decided to begin working out and that Dad thought it would be fine if Jamin would watch him...Here he does crunches with a weight on his chest....a sight we see Jamin of the 12 pack do every a.m.

Zander ran in & told me he was "a little bit bizzy...he had to lift my weights" and off he ran with them to the garage where Jamin & Josiah have a weight bench. 
Anything the boys can do - Stacia can do - she loves to be with her big brothers.

Anything the boys can do - Stacia can do - she loves to be with her big brothers.

Jamin reading an Alaska Alphabet book to Nolan & Zander
The girls wanted to try some new colors, my neighbor is a Mary Kay consultant and so we played. She wonderful with the girls. We all had fun. Arielle played with her daughter.
Krista's new look (19)

Jamin decided to try a new technique on pizza tonight. I really didn't get the purpose but he was determined that it would taste more like pizza hut if he squashed it instead of rolled he brought in a big, round, black weight...and well you see what he did....

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