Saturday, September 02, 2006

Labor Day weekend is here. It seemed so far away and here it is.

Mike, Krista, Jamin and Jared went to the base and met Steve, Scotty and Michael on the paint ball field. I hear that all had a good time.

Josiah had to work today. He seems exhausted. It may be good that they are cutting back to a school schedule. He had to go back in to get his hours and Mike asked him to see about getting Labor Day off. They gave it to him so we can all spend Monday together.

Bre spent the a.m. baking cookies with the youngers (Arielle, Nolan and Zander) and then playing Monopoly Jr. with them. It seems somehow in there that Arielle and Nolan began to work on a human video.

I spent several hours working on my personal co-op order (1060) and the group co-op order. I’ve sent it and am anxiously waiting to get a confirmation email. I am praying that this month goes off without a hitch. LOL

This afternoon Mike and the girls ran to Sam’s club for a few last minute things (socks and a jump drive). I made ice cream. Mike treated us to a sample MRE for dinner. Mike is packing. Kids are sleeping. We have a busy day tomorrow.

These would fill your stomach but that’s about it. They are certainly not preservative free. You pour water into a pouch and there is some chemical reaction that causes the water to boil and cook the dehydrated meals. I figure this may be a good solution for the boys’ dorm at Master’s Commission next year. :::snort:::


Anonymous said...

I love Mike's shirt!! Your long comment is on my blog. Sometimes it doesn't show up. Weird. Yep, I felt good for about 5 weeks. Yes, it cycles. I felt good last year in Aug. also. I didn't feel good much after that until May. I hope and pray that is not the case this year. I am dreading the winter.

I'm glad you are all able to be together on Monday. I'm praying for your family. I can't begin to imagine what it's like to my your husband deploy. Thank you for your service to our country!

OK....I'm off to decide if I can sit in the church chairs this morning. I think I'll strap another of thsoe ThermaCare heating thingies on my back and go :)


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

These t-shirts are great. We found them online...and of course now I can't find the URL - I didn't book mark because I was sure I'd remember. :::snort::: They had some cute ones for the younger ones and myself too. The older boys haven't really picked any out....