A few months ago (or was it weeks ago?) I had some entries about desiring the cross to be the "one issue" that would define me....and not a zillion other things that can seem so very important. I've thought about HOW to make that happen a lot the past few months (or weeks).
I put the song *Sweetly Broken* by Jeremy Riddle on my space. I really like being able to add music to my spot/space/blog....but I'm not doing much else with it at this point. LOL
The entire song is wonderful - it clearly spells out the work of redemption...but I love the chorus...
At the cross You
beckon me
You draw me gently
to my knees, and I am
Lost for words, so lost in love,
I’m sweetly broken,
wholly surrendered
1 comment:
This is an issue I am working on right now. More so since the new kids have come. So many of what I consider my major "issues" are because of self-centeredness and not getting my way. Instead of focusing on the Cross and Christ's sacrifice, I'm trying to figure out how to get what I want.
I'm reading through Adrew Murray's "Humility" right now. After I'm done, I'm hoping to try your word study technique and do a study on humility.
Until I can come to the point of pouring out all of myself and letting Christ really live through me, I will not find the peace I so long for.
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