What a day!!!
I was thinking the day was "hectic" but good but I suddenly realized that it may have been a bad day afterall.....maybe not. It did end well - Mike called and laughed and laughed that I accidently sent an email meant for him to SHS. AND I made a comment in the email that I meant one way but has another meaning so all in all it is humiliating...but his laughter made the day a good one.....
Until I got off the phone.....started reading more on this e-coli spinach outbreak. We don't have TV. We have a news black out. Late last night I began to read about it on SHS. Then this a.m. I saw the headline in our paper. I started reading more tonight and realized that the very spinach we bought and have been eating since Tuesday is the spinach that has been recalled and to which the outbreak has been traced. So...that gives us a bit of insight into the strange flu bug that Jamin and I are experiencing. Here's a link to the story that lists the companies. Thanks to Chris for impressing on me this a.m. the need to quit eating the spinach though I was very skeptical and still thinking it was some sort of internet hoax. I'm certainly glad we didn't eat MORE of it....
The hectic/bad parts of the day:
Mike needs me to find a file. It's a VERY important file. I've looked all through his office three times and can't find it.
The girls ended up needing a new set of tires. We got their oil changed.
I picked up two more meds at the pharmacy....and the paperwork for the civilian appts for a mammogram and pap...they called again.
Josiah's cell phone died and I had to buy a new year of service.
We bought all the things we hadn't bought earlier that the girls needed. I only wanted to visit and play with them and I spent most the day in the stores.
But the day WAS good:
We got a lot done.
I had some great time to visit with Bre.
We found everything we needed except for a bike carrier for their car and a swim suit top for Bre.
I got to talk to Mike.
I discovered that I need to throw out our spinach before we all got ill.
Jamin made dinner and it was great - pizza.
We went for a family walk and saw LOTS of deer.
*Cassanova* and *The Lemon Drop Kid* came in from Netflix.
Yes - it WAS a good day....because I'm going to CHOOSE JOY!
I'm glad that you found some good parts to the day. I do think you should call the doctor about the spinach just in case. It must be so hectic there right now. IMHO you need to take a full week off from anything after you get your DD's on their way to the new year of MC... before getting in to your full school schedule! Oh and eat some very good chocolate each day too (and NO spinach!).
I'm praying for you all! How scary!
Sounds like you all had a busy and expensive day. I know what those are like.
I agree with Jodi. Give yourself a break once everything is settled and chocolate is always a good thing...LOL
I sure hope you don't have ecoli! Praying for you!!
Take another week off???? You mean begin on the 2nd of OCTOBER????
Hmmm...I'll have to give this some thought and prayer.
We desperately need 1. a routine and 2. to catch up on things around here how to juggle the two....
Thanks for the prayers....we aren't any worse and may be better so I think we are strange and happened to have spinach from "the" company....
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