As Mondays go - it was a good one. We plan Mondays and Tuesdays to be our HEAVY school days. We got a late start today because I was EXHAUSTED.
I had been studying I John and was determined to lead a more disciplined life. I may write more about that later.....but time is of the essence here. I'd been thinking and praying about that for over a week. I had even told some friends that I needed to be more disciplined in my time management (eating, exercising and such too - basically I'm a MESS with Mike for the moment :::snort:::). I found it ironic that *my* computer crashed. That certainly helped me with computer time management. I don't remember enough blog addresses to visit the blogs I tend to visit after the kids are in bed, email is a pain and so I'm doing little, I set all lists to I have time again.
SO...armed with new-found determination, and no TV or computer time available, I headed to the kitchen table with my Bible and notebook. I had a great couple of hours and was just heading for bed when I heard Stacia cry. Zander had woken her up. ::::Grrrrrr:::: It took me a full hour to get her back down. It was now 11 p.m. and I wasn't in bed. I got to bed and laid there....good prayer time, however. Finally drifted off at about midnight. Stacia woke up at 1 a.m. and would NOT go back down until 4:30 a.m. I left a note on the table telling the kids not to wake me up at 6 but to try to get started on table school. I woke up at about 8 and they had done well.
I went to Netflix to reserve movies. We have 5 of them that we want for school for this week and next. I went ahead and upgraded how many movies we can have out at a time while we are needing so many for school. It certainly is cheaper than renting or buying them.
I decided that I will not go into depth with WW 1 for Arielle and Nolan. With Mike deployed, I don't think this is a good idea. We read War Games last week and we all cried ....and they've had many questions. I decided to spend this week focusing on other events in the same time period...briefly explaining WW1 - and they'll see the movies...but not dwelling solely on that. We finished up "Looking For a Home" (Orphan Train book) and may begin the second one. I had bought DK's 20th Century for children...and Jared prefers "The Century for Young People". I was glad to have it though, because I simply pulled it open - went through some pages with the younger two and we picked out some events to cover. I plan to cover the San Francisco Earthquake, Building Mt Rushmore, Wright Brothers and the Titanic. I have another DK type WW1 book that I'll pick and choose some things out of for them.
After school Zander, Arielle and Nolan and I tried to head to the library and Hobby Lobby while Stacia napped. She only napped 30 minutes. {sigh} We did go to Hobby Lobby and found a model of the Wright plane, the Titanic and an electrical car that is supposed to "go". We'll see. I'm not sure that the three of us can put them together...and it is quite apparent that the older three boys are skeptical...but it's SCHOOL so maybe if we work at it a bit...we'll succeed. :::snort:::
I came home and made Enchiladas, rice, corn, salad, fruit plate.....and Arielle and Nolan thought I was terribly mean because I gave them each 1/4 of an enchilada, 3 corn kernels and 5 grains of rice and told them to eat it. They kept saying, "is that enough" and I kept saying "Don't ask me - are you finished?". They are slowly working on earning their tickets but at this rate it will take them much more than the 3 - 6 months I anticipated to earn their goals. It gets discouraging to cook for folks when they are to busy to eat or picky to eat what you fix. At least STACIA will eat anything....including food from the garbage. UGH.
We read 40 pages in Pinocchio - we are really enjoying this book and getting quite a lot of laughs over the discrepancies between the original and Disney.
Well - that's the day. Hopefully, I'll have my computer back "soon" and be able to visit you all. I did remember Jodi, Kelly's and Lisa's blog URL. LOL
I'm not wishing for my computer to die, but I sure hear you about having more time when it's not around. I'm so addicted to keeping up with my cyberfriends since I don't have any friends nearby enough to really visit I don't have time to "visit" in real life so blogs and email are great... time consuming though (LOL)!
Sounds like a good day. I don't know how you do it on so little sleep. I really, really need my sleep. I always do terrible with my sleeping habits when Bri is away. I know all the things I should do, but can't quite manage to do them.
I'll pray you can get on a better schedule that will keep you healthy and better rested.
I remember reading Pinochio to Bessie. It is such a funny book and so different than Disney. I need to dig that out and read it to Gabe. He would love it.
Hmmm...Who is it that taught me even if He has to crash your computer to get your attention He will? lol
Aggravating as the change has been, sounds like it has positively pulled you closer to Him.
Now, I'll keep praying you get the proper rest you NEED!
You can always visit my blog! Not that it's all that interesting or anything.
I'm with you on the sleep thing. Granted, I only have two kids, but between them and my natural "night owl" nature, there are days I'm so tired I'm practically sleepwalking.
I struggle with the computer too. Although I usually have a GOOD REASON to be on it. (Really? Probably not.) I think one reason I like it so much is because it's "rewarding." Whereas the toddler and teen definitely qualify as "challenging" and "difficult" these last few weeks. LOLOLOL!
You had a great day! So sorry you aren't getting sleep. I'd have to be blogging about how mean and irritable I am with the kind of sleep you are getting lol.
I've had it with picky eaters. Allen is so picky and we've tried so many things. I made a rule yesterday that you have to have 1 bite of everything I make. If you don't eat that bite, and I'm not talking a huge bite either, of everything, then you only get bread and water until dinner the next day. You had better have a bite of everything that day or you still only get bread and water. Not really healthy probably, but I am hoping it works. We all had snacks in front of Allen while he had 1 slice of bread and a huge glass of water. Hopefully today will be better. Although he doesn't like what I'm making for dinner this afternoon either, but I think he'll taste it.
Anyway....I'm praying for your dad.
you can do it, you can do the models! And if you can't I bet one of the kids will figure them out, that's how it usually goes here, LOL!
ROFLOL Darshia - you've made my day! Did I teach you anything else I should remember????
I love you, sis.
Jodi - thanks for the encouragment...hey when you make those lap books do you do one per child or one per family per unit???? And then do you simply put samples for all the children in the one lap book or what?
Thanks Jen...actually I remembered that I had access to SHS group files and so downloaded the blog roll. It was from late August so there have been several changes...but it was enough to get me started with some late night reading. LOL
I don't think STacia can go to sleep without blogs flashing in the background. LOL
I have my books from that time period packed up since we're back into Ancients, but try to find this one.... I think the title was Polar the Titanic Bear. The younger ones will love it. (My dd is 9 and still loved it last year.) It's based on a true story about a little boy and his bear that was on the ship when it went down. I love the photos that they included. We did the same thing with that time period (actually, anything around a war really) since my dd can only take so much if it happened during a time when someone she knew was alive. It seems that if it happened farther back on the time line it doesn't seem so real. I wonder if the post 9/11 changes have anything to do with it? I think the models sound wonderful! See, you just need a road trip to Dayton to the AF museum to see the Wright exhibit. You know, since it's right around the corner. :)
Ooh - What about Charlie Chaplin? We watched several of the silent films from around that time too. Netflix has a really good selection of his work.
Steph, I'll look for the book. Hmmm...more library trips today? LOL
Charlie Chaplin is a great idea, thanks! I'm glad I'm not the only one who decides not to spend the whole time studying the war. They'll hit this time period again as a 7th and 6th grader. that will be plenty of time to get the details.
We skip a lot of wars and things of that nature. She's just too sensitive. She still asks about the "bad man with the planes" and she was what... four when that happened? She's very tuned into senses and how people lived and felt, so we try to stick with music, food, how life was lived. She loved the 1940s House by BBC/PBS (Netflix has it all) when we studied WWII. It touched on what it was like to live then, but we didn't delve too deep into things like the Holocaust. My dh's family is Jewish and lost people to the camps, so there was no way we were learning about it now. I'm like you... she'll hit it again in high school. And, if not there is always college and the History Channel. :)
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