I guess I've begun a new series with the greatest of ease. {G} My online friend, Chris, sent me this book as a bonus with a box of books I'd ordered. I really enj0yed this book.
Precious Ramotswe decides to become the first and only lady detective in Botswana because she wants to "help people with the problems in their lives."
Each chapter reads like a short story....though there is a general theme running through the book. I enjoy the information about Botswana and the little tidbits about the culture that are woven through the plot line.
For me, personally, this has brought back thoughts and memories of growing up in Africa. I put a few of these on PBS last night and heard today that two of them are on their way to me. I guess I will work on this series for a while...though Mr. Smith seems to be an incredibly prolific writer!!! {G}
I really love this series. It must be even better when you have actually been to Africa. I am waiting impatiently for the latest one in th series, it's been out awhile but my library is slow. Plus it's hard to get new, new books on PBS. I guess I should try though.
Happy reading!
This is one of my all time favorite series. I just love the language of these books and the characters are wonderful.
I know you will enjoy them all!
Oh - I'm so glad. I needed a new series. I'm going to read current books in old series for a bit and then dig into this one. I'm currently collecting what I can from Paperback Swap.
I started this one once, but I have no idea why I didn't finish it. I think it was one of those seasons where you never have time to read! I might just have to add it to my list again. Right now I'm taking a side track into some Francine Rivers novellas. They're short though so I'll need something to follow them up with. I found a few that are mysteries set in Elizabeth I's court, but I haven't scanned them enough to see if I'd really like them. I'm thinking I need to try this series first...
Steph - I started this one before and sat it down. It appeals to me now. I did the same thing with all those Mitford books. LOL I hated them the first time I picked them up.
I read the "sin eater" and have been trying to find more like that from Francine Rivers....any to point me to?
I've just started with some of her books, and right now I'm reading her "Unashamed" about Rahab. I think it's all the talk about Esther on SHS that's gotten me into wanting to read a bit about biblical women. So, I'm no help right now. ;) I do have a very long library reserve list of titles based on Esther, Tamar, etc that are listed as historical fiction to pick through. I'll see what I move into though and let you know if I get onto something good. I've also had Black by my-mind-is-blank (don't you love forgetting things) sitting on my table for months from PBS. Other than that I'm really no help. lol
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