What DID I do today?
The day began with an early a.m. disagreement with the national Tri-care call center. They were informing ME that I could not get more views taken for a year because I am only allowed one mammogram a year. I informed them that this was STUPID – since THEY referred me for the first mammogram and THAT doctor was requesting this.
Then I had the fun at the Imaging Center. Seriously, mammograms are not that bad…I prefer them to many medical procedures.
I ran to HEB to buy some “stuff”. I was going to try AGAIN to adapt the kids’ favorite Shepherd’s Pie.
We did some school.
I made 3 loaves of bread. I also made 24 “hamburger” buns. I dumped a ton of oregano, marjoram, sage, thyme, basil and garlic in them. Yum.
I made Shepherd’s Pie. Yippee…I finally got that recipe adjusted so that it is mom accepted and kid approved. I better write down what I did before I forget. This USED to be an “easy dinner”; it’s not quite that now…but it finally tastes good.
I made 3 more lbs of sausage. It is aging in the fridge….I remembered to date the outside of the Ziploc this time. LOL
I bought a few gifts for PWOC women. We had PWOC – women’s Bible study. The fun part of this study is that I’m trying really hard to get done by 7:30 and then we sit around and have tea for 15-30 minutes. It’s been fun to get to KNOW each other a bit better.
I came home, got children in bed, answered calls from my parents and Mike….and now its 11:24 (I know the blog clock is off) and I’m thinking I may read a few blogs and head for bed….
De'Etta, I agree that mammograms aren't that bad. I had my first one a couple months ago and I much prefer that to the gyn yearly appt.
I like that you get your Bible study done early so you can fellowship. Our church is trying to figure out fellowship LOL. They've grown so big, so fast, that fellowship got lost in the transitions I think. But they've started small interest group this fall and it is fun! I am in a gingerbread house making group :) It is so nice to have fun and fellowship and not just another study, kwim? Not that study is bad, but fellowship is good too.
I hope you got some sleep!
Making time to fellowship in your study sounds wonderful to me. When we used to dosunday school it always felt as if something was missing as I never knew the ladies well since there was a rush to get the weeks study pages done. It's weird to ask for prayer for something to ladies you hardly know at all.
Sounds like your Shepherds pie was very well recieved. I do have a veggie version of this but don't make it all that often for some reason.
I love shepard's pie! I'm sure that you'll post your recipe though, you know, for archive
YES - Kelly - I was trying to think of the polite term "gyn yearly" - I would much prefer a mammo to that.
Fellowship is good - I think we needed to have more time to get to know each other....I don't like having SHORT studies but then life is fairly full right now and I really don't have time to prepare to lead an in-depth 2 hour study. LOL
Jodi - I'd love your veggie version. Do you use veggie broth?
I know you've heard me say this before, but I think I almost prefer no insurance (LOL)! At least we can chose to see who we want to see, go when we want to go, etc. It just doesn't seem right that you should have to jump through so many hoops to get care.
Ah well - at least the care fits in our LOL
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