I'm lonely today. I'm not sure why, but I am. I've had a busy day, but nothing has seemed quite right. I suppose one has to expect to have days like this when your sweetheart and babies are far away.....choose joy...young woman...ok...older type woman...choose joy. ::snort::
Mondays should be skipped. I may look into this further. Josiah had to work today. He's working 36 hours this week. He did run to the library this a.m. We got some school done....all I'd planned, actually.
I made some banana muffins. I got a kick out of the fact that Adrienne had the same muffins cooling in her kitchen when I went over there this afternoon.
Stacia went down for an early nap. I took advantage to load up the next 3 and head for Sam's (milk), cute girly kids boutique (Robeez shoes for Stacia) and a kitchen store. We surprised Jamin with this:

It's a pizza paddle..though I was sorely tempted to tease the little ones about other purposes it could serve.... We're both hoping this will avert any further burned knuckles....550* ovens with bricks you know....
When we stopped at home to leave milk, we discovered Stacia was awake. I loaded her and the next 3 back into the van and we headed to the produce department at HEB. I had called Adrienne earlier to see if she was going to be home. I took the left over blondies from the pot luck to her...just enough for a taste for them. They WERE healthy. They were good too. {bg} I followed Lisa's suggestion to add an egg. When I called she wondered about getting some produce. I'm still swimming in veggies. We agreed to get some fruit. She called the order in and I was to pick it up. This worked out great as I planned to go over to her house to deliver the blondies anyway. Heather ordered some things with us this time. All went well at the store and sorting....it took me just over an hour to go pick the stuff up, pay for it, and sort it.
We spent about an hour visiting with Adrienne and family. The kids hadn't seen each other much in the last few weeks and were happy to be together. Zander has been having melt downs all day...not sure why. I really watched him at the potluck so I don't think it is food related. Maybe the time change...seems he did this in the spring too and Jodi warned me that this sometimes happens with Trevor. I wish I'd remembered THAT earlier today. :::knocking head on wall:::
Last week we'd been studying the family way, "we forgive one another covering an offense with love". This has been a good topic to consider. Forgiveness can be so tough to walk out. Today when it was time to leave Ja'nae, Zander did not do well. About a mile from their home he said, "Mom, I forgive you". ::snort:: I guess it was good he forgave even though I was quite sure *I* wasn't the one who needed forgiving.
Stir fry for dinner. Yumm and quick and easy too since I had veggies pre-cut from last week. OH - the lettuce lasted a solid week...no longer. All the other veggies were fine except the grated carrots. It has been a real time saver to have them ready to go, but I'll be sure to do only one pre-made gal of salad this week.
Heather and children stopped over to pick up some produce....
We read three more chapters in Pichnocchio.
Stacia pooped in the tub tonight...I thought that was incredibly GROSS and should be shared. She finally fell asleep....I think I'll go to bed too.
The only good thing about Mondays is that the doctor's offices are open.lol Otherwise, I could easily skip them too.
Glad to hear the Blondies turned out better!
Thanks for letting me know how long the produce lasted. I'm going to spend some time next weekend prepping some bags. We eat a lot of salad.
(((HUGS))) Hang in there, you're doing great! You are being a great witness to those of us who would rather be wallowing in our self-pity over being lonely or our current circumstances.lol I have learned how to choose joy from you and my family is better for it. I still have low points but God has been faithful to meet my needs.
((((De'Etta))))) you're doing so well, it has to be hard. You're bound to have some sad days but in general you seem to be doing great. Hoping the rest of the time will fly for you.
Yes, you remembered right about Trevor and change of seasons. Then anything which is quite different is also hard for him, sometimes even if it's good different. Even the time change (spring forward, fall back) seems to be harder on kids with sensory differences or any autistic tendancies.
I looked on Trevors attendance form at TKD and found he'd made only 3 classes this month, I was appalled. I was there but I didn't realise how often he was waiting I the van I guess. The combination of the cold we all had, which lasts longer for him, the change of seasons etc have messed him up a bit. He loves TKD so doesn't skip without reason.
(((((De'Etta))))) I've been thinking of you so often lately and praying. I can only just imagine how lonesome it must be at times. Brian will be heading on his longer trip soon, but that is a mere three weeks and seems like forever some days.
You are doing so incredibly well and are such a wonderful witness to all of us that tend to lean toward whining about lifes difficulties. I too am learning to choose joy more often. You have blessed me with your spirit.
I was also glad to hear that Zander had trouble yesterday...well not glad that he had trouble, but...anyway, Gabe had a terrible day yesterday and I couldn't figure out way. Maybe it is the time change.
Know that you, Mike and the children are covered in prayer everyday.
Thanks all for the prayers and encouragment....maybe we should all just make a pact to skip time changes from here on out....
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