Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Someone explain this to me again - what is the benefit of having comments set to moderated? I thought it was so that I'd receive an email and not miss comments some make further back than I read. This has happened to me and I feel bad when I don't respond to something someone says....but I've had the blog set to send me comments for WEEKS and it doesn't. Today I set it to moderated so that I'd be sure to see all the new comments...but there are so many. I don't have time to read them all and then go to the blog AND comment back...is that what you all do? OR am I missing the purpose of the modertated thing? I've only had two comments to delete in a year.....one was "iffy" and one called me a liberal something or other because they didn't agree with my interpretation of a Scripture....which if they'd said that nicely, I'd have left the comment but they swore at me. LOL

Has anyone found a way to be alerted to comments so you don't miss them without having to approve them all? I'm setting this back to normal for the time being because it seriously stresses me out to see a page of comments I need to approve....I'd rather simply go read them and respond at the blog. LOL

Also, since I'm writing a senseless entry about blog comments....does anyone else have problems with those string of letters you have to type in? I get it wrong 70% of the time on my first try! ::blush:: I've recently uped the magnification of my reader glasses but it irritate me to need them. LOL


Debbie said...

I get e-mails that let me know when someone has commented.

You go to "settings", then to "comments". Down at the bottom put the email address you want the notices to go to. Save changes.

I do not have it set for moderate.

Diann said...

I also get emails when I get a new comment and don't have it set for moderate...that was too much trouble.


Anonymous said...

Like everyone has said, I have it set to email me when someone comments, that way I can catch anything inappropriate. Wordpress has a comments spam filter, so I haven't had any problems so far....

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Mine has been set this way for MONTHS - like 6 or 7 and it will send me maybe one email every week or so. I've changed the setting over and over....I don't think I can stand the moderated thing.....so I guess I'll keep resetting the settings to send me notice and see if it ever begins to work. I had hoped when I switched to beta it would work.

Emily said...

I do not have it moderated at all. I have had two "strangers" leave a comment but one was a grandma and the other was a real nice lady that just happen to find my blog. As of yet, I have not had any bad comments - and out of all the comments only 2 were from strangers I didn't know.

Lisa in Jax said...

Well, I have mine set to moderated because I've had trouble with extended family. I've considered changing it back but I haven't gotten up the nerve yet.lol

Anonymous said...

I can't comment on your comment question since I am at HSB. I do get email notifications when somebody comments. It is nice.

I usually get the string of letters correct the first time. I wish they would just put the letters up there and not all wavey like....makes me dizzy LOL. Perhaps you should set your text to the largest setting under the view option :)


Cynthia said...

I used to have my blog set so people had to type in the letters and I took it off a month or so ago when I realized that I have such a hard time getting them right. If they are NORMAL letters I'm fine, but if they are squiggly and mixed into one another sometimes I can't tell what I'm supposed to type. Anyway.. you're not alone.

I have mine comments set to moderated so I can read them right then and there and simply click publish... then when I have a few minutes I go back to each blog entry and respond... for me it's faster than going to the blog to check to see if anyone has commented or not. I probably don't get as many comments as you do.
I plan to keep mine set to moderated for various reasons... mainly so someone doesn't post a comment that might be confidential or at least not something I want read by many people. I've only had 1 problem ever with someone posting something objectionable and that was before I knew about setting it to not be open to everyone on blogspot.

Kristine said...

I recently changed mine to moderate for personal reasons. I don't want anyone to inadvertently write something that they don't know is private, kwim?

Like Debbie said, you can still get e-mails when people comment. I NEVER check back to see if one of my comments has received a reply--so no need to respond here, haha. :) IF someone posts something you don't like, you can always delete it.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yes, for security reasons it makes sense to view comments before they are posted but in over 1 1/2 years there has only been one comment that I deleted for that (mentioned a last name)....I check for city name, last names etc.

I reset it AGAIN to notify me when there are comments...but it just doesn't do it.

I didn't see a screen where I could reply to the comments that are waiting for moderating...just accept or reject....and then I have to remember where to go to comment. LOL

So glad to hear I'm not the only one who has trouble with the wiggly lines....LOL

Jodi said...

I sometimes have trouble with the wiggly letters too. The only reasn I can think that you wouldn't get emails when people leave a comment would be if your ISP is thinking the emails from blogger are spam. Or if your own virus/spam checker is thinking that way.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Jodi - that may be it....I'll have to look around and see if I can figure out how to change a spam blocker.....