Thursday, November 30, 2006

Homeschool Funny

Some of us are simply NOT natural at this lap book thing. I decided to make an "accordian book" so that we can put whatever we want in these lap books.

For the tree symbol I wanted to do a shape book. I figured out how to make a tree out of three triangles and open them up to write inside....and I kept cutting them so the fold was wrong...then the kids wanted ONE tree and not three triangles to make a huge pile of paper later and I have figured out how to make one loan shap book.....maybe it would be cheaper to buy a kit all ready to go. ::snort:: The children were thrilled to use glitter on their booklets.....of course that led to Zander making some very creative art work indeed. This all reminds me why we've been a "crayon/glue free" homeschool for years and years. LOL


Debbie said...

I love it! You are so talented in other areas, I don't think you should be too hard on yourself over the paper thing.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

::snort:: OK if you see talent in other areas, I'll be encouraged.

I couldn't believe it took so much time and paper to figure out what I saw in my mind. I really should have taken basket making or paper folding in college. LOL

Romany said...

:snort: guffaw, chuckle, slapping my thighs and falling off my chair.

I've given up on lapbooks for a while.


all in the family said...

Okay suggestion:
Take a piece of green card stock. Fold it into a TRIfold book. They will overlap. THEN you can cut out the tree. NOW beware. If you want it to open up three ways, you must leave the outer edges UNCUT. Then you will have a tree cut fold that will overlay three times.

Good job
Beth in GA

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

BETH where were you yesterday???? The children have already glittered the front of my trees. LOL A tri-fold tree would have been perfect...ah well....

They seemed to enjoy watching my mounting pile of paper.