One thing we like to do is find costumes on sale after Halloween (which explains the photos below if you are reading in order LOL). Today was the first day we had to look and we found these. Arielle fell in love with two - and at clearance prices I could get her both. She's a bit of a tomboy so if she wanted girly dresses for plays...I'm all for it. LOL
Anyway, she had so much fun with them this afternoon. She was twirling around, swaying in front of the was darling. Then we talked about having a "fairy tale" or "princess" tea party in the near future. We have and have read *The Princess and the Kiss*. (Squire and the Scroll is a favorite around here too.) We like the books. We thought of using that for a theme. I went online for ideas and found out that there is a whole study based on the concepts in the book for young girls...culminating in a princess ceremony where the Moms bless the girls and the girls receive a necklace symoblizing they are God's princess and saving their purity. So NOW....I'm unsure what we should do...have a tea party or find a group of girls to study with us and have a ceremony at the end....LOL
We did the purity ring and such with the older girls...but we waited until we were SURE it was their decision and that we weren't swaying them to make a covenant that the Holy Spirit hadn't led them to. Not to debate THAT issue, but as youth pastors we have seen lots of "group think" on that issue, and it's sad. I sort of hesitate to do this because it may be sort of like her making a covenant that she doesn't understand.....but maybe not. I'll have to pray about this some more.

The kids look adorable - also those princess costumes are beautiful! Where did you find them?
The new Super WAlmart - which I'd not been to yet. LOL
We love getting the clearance costumes! Evie has a whole pile from previous years and so does Allison still loves dressing up! We didn't make it this year but my mom brought the littles a new costume each while they were ill. Yay mom!
These are great pictures! I'm looking forward to reading about the study if you do it. I'm not sure I have enough girls that would be interested around here to do a group thing with my kid. In most situations she's the only girl in our group of friends (or at least the only "older" girl!)
Arielle: What a beautiful young lady you are. Love the costumes. Makes me wish we could be there for Christmas.... but that isn't going to happen this year. Maybe Spring Vacation.
Love the red suited muscle man behind you too.
Beautiful! No wonder she was twirling and dancing...who wouldn't when looking so lovely!
Great idea about the costumes. We are doing a run this week to finish up our Operation Christmas Child boxes, so maybe they'll see have a few costumes left.
You are becoming such a lovely young lady.
Love you
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