Parenting/Discipline in Proverbs - Chapter 1
Discipline - Chastisement (4148 - musar/muwcar, muscar) - Oral instruction based on a covenantal relationship that is theocentric and theofugal (God centered, God natured)
I realize that some may be feeling I made light of Proverbs in my parenting study. I didn't. I value this book. I've read through it often and gleaned all sorts of different insights. Once I read it and noted all it said about heart, covenant, fear, etc. I thought this month I'd share what I see in the book of Proverbs on parenting/discipline. I currently use the New American Standard Bible for my devotional a.m. reading. Note these are devotional thoughts and not an in-depth study as the "rod" posts were. In other words...this is my early a.m. reading....though I reserve the right to dig deeper at any time. ::snort:: Don't expect a deep theological treatise...expect to hear how the Holy Spirit is applying the book of Proverbs in my mothering. Also - my focus is not my CHILD'S responsibility this time through Proverbs - but MY responsibility. I'll assume the child is living up to his responsibility. {G}
Proverb 1:8-9 "Hear o my son, your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching; they are a graceful wreath to your head and ornaments about your neck".
~Son - yes male, but also used in the generic sense and means "children of all ages".
~What is my instruction like? Am I instructing? If not, I'd best begin. Am I taking the time to teach my child in a way that is God centered and God natured or am I simply barking out commands? Am I nurturing obedience or compliance (see previous post on this {G})? If I'm not careful I veer into compliance over obedience/submission.
~I must be instructed of God before I am able to instruct my children.
~My teaching is to be GRACEFUL and ORNAMENTAL. Are my instructions a club of condemnation about my child's head or a graceful wreath to his head? Are my instructions a noose around my child's neck? Am I strangling his God-given zeal and personality in the name of "discipline"? Or are my teachings an ornament around his neck, worn gracefully and enhancing his God-given personality and spirit?
Father, today I desire my mothering to bring glory to You. I desire for my parenting to accurately portray Your character and nature. Give me strength and insight to diligently teach my children. Help my flesh to stay out of the process and may my instructions be graceful and ornamental in my children's lives.
Truly inspiring post! Thank you De'Etta.
I'm glad it inspired....but that's got to be the Holy Spirit or it would just be words on a screen. {g}
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