Friday, December 08, 2006


3:00 - 4:15 up with Stacia

6:00 alarm goes off, shower

6:15 - 6:45 - Word

7:00 - 8:00 breakfast - french toast, smoothies, fruit plate, clean up, mop etc.

8:00 - 8:15 - hair, makeup

8:15 - 9:00 - speech

9:20 - 10:40 pick up produce, sort

10:40 - 11:00 - add final selections and amounts to co-op newsletter and print

11:00 - 12:00 - visit with friends as they pick up produce, take cash for next week etc.

12:00 - 1:30 lunch and clean up

1:30 - 2:00 begin preparing for tomorrow's tea by cleaning the littles bathroom (which is the main bathroom)

*Call from NARHS. They love TOG. They were thrilled with my records and how I figured a grade for Rosetta Stone. They have used my ideas with two families who called in for help this week. ::snort:: THEY were NOT impressed with my understanding that if you finished 90% of a text you could count it as a has some tests to finish up and mail in. I guess in the rest of the homeschool world that works - but not with NARHS. We laughed about how we've had these charter schools through high school to keep me honest....but I am such a free spirit that I KNOW it is good the children wanted to go this route. LOL They told me that while they were impressed the boys made 100% in something, that colleges will look at it and go "Mommy grade" so they asked about changing the grade to 99...still an A. Yeah - whatever. Sort of seems STUPID to me (excuse the bad word) - If you make 100, you should get 100....but I do see their point about colleges. She also thought I needed to buy Rosetta and finish with it since we began with it. Something about teaching Dinosaurs in 9th grade and again in 1oth grade....I had trouble following the logic but I'm sure it will make sense at about mid-night. They changed the title of our history credit from TOG - fine by me.

1:45 - 2:30 couch school (will plan 4 day school week next week - leaving Fri for games, lapbooks and history quilt)

2:30 - 3:00 tried to get Stacia to take a nap

3:00 - 3:30 tea with Stacia while the youngers enjoy Play Station - a treat that Zander purchased for them by redeeming 60 tickets

3:30 - 4:30 read email and such while holding Stacia - finally goes to sleep, 4 more families want to join produce co-op since this a.m.

4:30 - 4:45 - search out the Curry Chicken Salad recipe....get side tracked...get back on track...I'm going to make cute little filo shells and fill them with chicken salad.

OK - I've seen several of you do this and I've decided my life is far too boring to do a daily log....ya'll (see I spelled it right - MIKE you are anonymous aren't you LOL) KNOW I'm busy if you've ever seen me with my crew. I'm done. ::snort::

Let's just say "typical day in my life..."

The rest of the day will include pizza, movies, getting things out for tea...WHY did I mop the floor this morning BEFORE cases of produce entered my home???? OH YEAH, it's my routine. ::snort::

Dorothy, I agree that something always falls off when something new is added. I don't mind it being outdoor exercising at this point!!! It's far to cold to be outside anyway.

I had a fright this a.m. when I began the family inductive study and it had me a week behind...I was sure Advent began on the 2nd but they have it beginning in November. I checked everywhere else and I'm o.k. I still have a bizarre Advent countdown candle.....I've hugged it, shaped it, burned it simply won't burn! Is that a sign that the world will end before Christmas, Liz? Chris? Maybe December?????


Anonymous said...

SIS: Seems like I am feeling the way you are but not for the same reasons....I AM TIRED!

Michail and Nadia are here until Nathaniel/Heather get back from Australia and Figie (? to spell) island where they will scubba dive and etc. They get homeon the 21st.

I am tired due to the fact I messed up my ankle for a period of time. I now am just walking without a cane at home. It is healing good.

Dad/I and the 2 kids will attend the retired Rexius employees breakfast tomorrow. Dad spend most Saturday's at home until after supper. Then again on Sunday I pick him up for church and take him back around 7pm.

Praying for you that you have all the strength you need.


Jodi said...

Some of NARHS reasoning sounds odd but I'm guessing you will benefit from their years of finding out what colleges like and what they don't like.

I'm thinking of going to a 4 day week after the holidays.

I like the time of day we did this type of posts. I keep trying to do that more on my blog but often I forget what we did when, just know I made it to the end of another day, LOL.

Renee said...

Love hearing about NARHS. I am going to use them next year since there is no one correspondence program that I love in totality.
Plus I want to use Teaching Text for Math and a science course from Kolbe... I am leaning toward Keystone for Literature & History so I have someone to do some of the work for me (esp the grading).. still up in the air about a foreign language

Romany said...


Maybe Advent just isn't long enough this year?

Are you using an old copy of the IBS?

Isn't it frustrating when babies stop taking naps?

Have you tried lying down with her to rest? It worked with mine for a long time. They would always drop off after 30 mins or so of lying in a dark room with a v. boring mummy. Oh well, I expect you've tried everything.


Lisa in Jax said...

I keep going back and forth on NARHS. I like the accountability but Allison wants to take some classes at the local HS (like drivers ed) this next year, so I'm not sure it'll be a good option. Highschool sure does get complicated doesn't it?lolol

I too, have a sleep-less baby. He's got the smallest cold right now but he's milking it for all it's worth.lolol

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Mom - I didn't pick up on your hurt ankle. How fun for Nate and Heather to be traveling a bit. Have fun with Michael and Nadia.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Renee and Lisa,

We've really enjoyed working with NARHS. They require more paperwork (and they really CHECK it) than our AK charter school did....but you only have to turn it in once a year. She cracked me up when she asked about a DATE one one of Jamin's papers. I told her there is NO TELLING what date was on what because he didn't want to keep records "my way" until he saw the purpose in it. ::snort::

In AK we turned in work every 9 weeks. Here we turn in an annual portfolio - and have until Dec 31 of the year after we complete the work to get it in. It has to have a daily log, and then ANY and ALL work that you base your grade on....either daily work or tests only.

They REALLY work well with homeschoolers. Lisa, if your daughter takes classes at a highschool you simply get the transcript from there and send it to them and they include those credits in her transcript.

They are GREAT at helping you write course descriptions for about anything you would want to fact when you join they send you a course description book with oodles of descriptions for "mom made" courses. LOL

I'm happy with them. I'd rather "do my own thing"...but when the girls got a diploma from the state of AK it made the boys want a "real diploma" too. LOL AND since I have boys that want to do things like the AF Academy.....having a "real diploma" will be a good thing and cut down on the hassle for them later on...or so goes the thought.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


I went back and checked this out. I have the 2006 study....but they DO begin early so that you do 4 full weeks of study and finish on Christmas Eve...this year that 4th Sunday of Advent is right before Christmas....

Renee said...

It has to have a daily log, and then ANY and ALL work that you base your grade on....either daily work or tests only>>

I can do a daily log, I do that anyway with daily lesson plan book. They want ALL the work? You mean I have to save every math assignment? Yikes, now that I won't like.... but I know that both Scott and I want the kids to have "real" diplomas for college

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Renee - you send them anything that you base the grade on....if you figure daily work into their overall grade, then would want all the work....

I decided to figure their grade on tests alone....only 32 to send in - though it seems we only turned in 28. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Oh - another example of how they really checkt things (in AK she didn't really READ everything we submitted LOL). TOG gives you several options for terms of history credits. For Jamin I chose an American title since he hadn't had one yet....for Josiah I chose a world HIstory title. TOG covers the entire world in historical time chunks.....but she changed the title to another US History creidt because all the work we submitted had to do with AMERICA - all his papers and in the future....I'll need to watch that and be sure that their work reflects the more diverse nature of their studies.....I don't remember this at ALL....I'm surprised all the written work had to do with America and frankly....I think this is proof they DIDN'T read all the history prep questions - because THEY were reflective of our reading each week....I think she only glanced at the discussion notes and then really read their essays, now that I think of it. LOL She said it didn't matter because Josiah didn't need any of his credits last year or this year to graduate.