Thursday, December 21, 2006

Frosted Armadillos

That old maxim about getting out there and working out and you'll warm up???? Not NECESSARILY true, after all. I don't know if my toes are going to ever thaw out....its 29* out there NOW....why did I think it was warm? Oh - I was thinking I'd best do it today or it may snow tomorrow and I'd have to ride in the snow. LOL

In case you can't see that little ticker - on one of our computers the heading is black instead of blue - I have 17.6 miles left to do!!!!

Yes - I DID see frosted roadkill this a.m. Not the most pleasant riding scenery but unique to TX. LOL


Heather said...

What a brave woman you are, I guess it is all those years in AK that helped you endure this morning. Yuck, frozen roadkill. That's one I don't think they will try to sell us in the market, at least not in this country. :snort: :cough: :snicker:

Cynthia said...

BRRR... that sounds REALLY cold to me. I don't ride or walk outside unless it's way above freezing!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Not so brave, ladies, unobservant is more like it. I assumed it was 45* and that eventually I'd warm up. LOL