Friday, December 22, 2006


I just received a call and Bre said, "We're on the bus". The really great thing is that Mike was on the line when the call came and so I was able to tell him immediately.

Here's what happened. Red Cross looked all night and couldn't find them. They were SLEEPING in the SHELTER. Bre stressed they had not left the shelter and that the phone was on. They slept so soundly they didn't hear it. They hadn't filled out all the paperwork that was needed and so that is what started the alarm last night.....however, after I assured the agent that the girls had no plan of staying anywhere but the shelter, the situation became more alarming. No need to go there - they are fine.

The girls have lots of common sense...but very little street smarts. Krista is in TKD and so can "take care of herself". I could see them going out for a walk and not coming back so when the shelter was SURE they were NOT there - I knew they either did something totally out of character and went to someone's house for the night, or they had wandered out for a walk, or they were just fine and the shelter couldn't find them. LOL

The amazing thing to me is that I did not panic. I was ticked but all was forgiven the minute I heard my oldest daughter's voice and knew they had done nothing wrong. LOL It was to late when I got the call to call any of my local friends. But the Friend who is closer than a brother is always available. I quoted James to myself....and then Phil...I certainly was anxious hearing the alarm in the man's voice....and so I prayed...and God's peace was real...the comfort and presence of the Holy Spirit was real.....I slept. I have a very active imagination. This was a work of God's grace in my life. Mike, on the other hand, reports a few new gray hairs. Actually, I know this is bizarre, but, I KNEW Mike would be up during the I emailed him what was going on....prayed and slept...knowing that God and Mike would be on the watch. ::snort:: Bre had calls from Red Cross agents, Mike and myself when she checked the phone this a.m. Stacia woke up at 3:30 and I tried calling but then when I couldn't reach them I went back to sleep.

Cindy, they have a trac phone so the minutes are simply used up when they are used up. They are double when out of your are right that they don't have to pick up....but I think the fear was running down the battery...which Mike and I had decided must be why they weren't answering the phone. LOL Our vacations have always involved lots of hiking, camping and such...not air, plane or bus travel on other's schedules. I'm thinking that vacations need to be scheduled in now as a "life skill" part of our curriculum. Actually, the boys managed to get themselves to Alaska last summer....

I literally have to run now to make it to speech but wanted to update everyone...would someone please copy this to SHS or let SHS know that things are well. The girls have left Casper...a car would be here in 18 hours...with a bus and roads - who knows???? but they are headed this way again. ::snort::


Renee said...

So glad to hear the girls are safe and once again heading in the direction of home.

Heather said...

PTL! So happy to hear that they are on their way again. It won't be long now. See you in a few hours.

Anonymous said...

Praise God all is well. I am so glad they are on their way home again. Praise God also for His perfect peace. How do people get along without Him?

Anonymous said...

SIS: PTL!!!! Guess the previous notes I made don't matter now. SO GLAD THEY ARE ON THEIR WAY AND THE LITTLE ONES CAN REALLY START COUNTING.

dAD FINALLY WENT TO SLEEP AND I know I need to make hay while the sun shines and I am awake..... going out to do last minute stuff.


Debbie said...

What wonderful news! So glad the girls are once more on their way and that all is well.

Praying that the rest of their trip goes smoothly and they will be in your arms very soon.

Jen said...

I got a stomach bug and went to bed early last night and missed this whole saga, or I would have worried all night for you! Glad it all turned out ok!

US said...

This is wonderful news. I'm glad that you had peace and were able to sleep. I can't wait to hear that they are at home.


Diann said...

It was funny, I woke up at 4:30am and felt an urge to pray and your girls came to my mind. I didn't know why exactly (knew they were stuck somewhere, but didn't get a chance to catch up on email last night), but I prayed. Now I glad they are okay.


Jodi said...

I saw the update on SHS and was so relieved. SO glad to hear that your first babies are on their way home again. What a relief!

Kristine said...

De"Etta, what wonderful testimony about your sense of peace through all of last night. I bet you are ALL SO excited today, knowing you will be seeing the girls so soon!!!