Monday, December 18, 2006

Late-breaking news....

Delusional - constipated large family seen storming city hall.....

Several of the children were heard to be chanting, "They have TOILETS in there" and "send the toilets out and no one will get hurt."

The wild-eyed mother was heard muttering, "THIS never happened when REPUBLICANS controlled congress!!!!"

The family is demanding that their city be declared a disaster zone and the national guard bring flush toilets back to town.... When asked where the head of the family may be the delusional woman began to cackle, and insist that he lives in a 2000 mile litter box.... Mental health experts have determined that something has pushed this family over the edge...they seem pre-occupied with litter facilities of all types...what else would explain the comment???

Please - if you are the husband of this woman contact the authorities. Truly something will need to be done about this tragic stand-off soon.

Stay tuned.

OK folks - it's a JOKE - don't call the authorities.......muhahahahahaha


Anonymous said...

I'm laughing so hard it hurts!

Dare I say, this too shall pass?

Debbie said...

This is just too funny. I'm sitting her cracking up. Thank you so much for the wonderful laugh today. I'm sure it isn't really that funny for you, but you made it all seem funny to us.

Lisa in Jax said...

I think as an offical SHS moderator, I should call on the troops to deliver water and potties to your door step. We'll be there in about 24 hours so just keep feeding those kids lots of starches. Preferably, refined white starches that will bind them for a long time.lolol

Seriously, I'm praying.

Heather said...

Ok, Arielle & I were laughing so hard we almost pee'd our pants. Luckily we still have water. LOL It has been a little difficult to flush. Have you thought about taking the kids over to use the base gym shower/toilet facilities? I wonder if anyone else has thought of that. We may be in the same dilemma as you. The local news just said that if you have service now, you may not by tomorrow, so... ugh!

Anonymous said...

OK, composure is moderately in place again, but I'm still giggling.

Does the base have water and lodging for the night? A family slumber party might be fun. Who knew you would need hazard pay more than Mike during this deployment!

Is it time to call upon family/friends to fast for you, yours and the town?

If you stay hunkered down in the house remember (Leviticus?) says you can go outside the camp (to a field?) and take a shovel so it won't be detestable to the Lord... (Forgive me I didn't look it up, I'm going from memory.) Camping taught me it's a good idea to take TP in a zip lock too!

Praying for all y'all and the girls as they prepare to travel too!

Anonymous said...


I forgot it gets cold out at night might want to consider Depends for your dependents...Stacia might think it funny!{G}

Sorry, your creative writing just tickled my weird sense of humor!

4 days your other girls are home...Reinforcements are coming! PTL!!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Got the dishes cleaned up and all toilets flushed....feeling much better. Josiah and Jamin just left with 2 5 gal containers to buy some more water....the paper's website was predicting they'd have it fixed all over the city by 7 p.m. - it isn't - but maybe by morning????

The hospital is out of water too from what I heard...this is serious for them. For me its an inconvenience....

Anonymous said...

Evidence that dehydration can cause delusions & psychotic behavior . . .

Kristine said...


Anonymous said...

Sis: THAT's MY GIRL!!! How funny! thanks for the good laugh!

Bet you are glad we didn't make it down this year!!! :)

If you lived in our neighborhood I'd suggest you just go for a walk and see how many yards you could squat on to repay them for the doggie-do!

Jodi said...

ooh, you need a PORTA POTTY!

Cynthia said...


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

BTW the mall and the hospital have porta potties.

I have a friend who works at the hospital and they aren't supposed to use any water because it then does something to the levels and the fire cheif comes over becuase they dont have enough water to run the sprinklers...what a mess this all is....anyway THEY have lots of porta potties over us normal folks aren't going to find porta potties, Jodi. LOL