Tuesday, December 19, 2006

WE HAVE WATER!!! LOTS of pressure.

It's raining and they've been warning that rain after a "prolonged drought" can cause these problems....but since we HAD them and now have new pipes I'm thinking we're good to go.

I'm going to go attempt a bike ride. I wasn't going to because it is cold and raining but I'm so close to that 500 mark...... Thanks for all the prayers and laughter!


Renee said...

So thankful that you have water. It's amazing how much we appreciate the simple things in life when we are without them even for a day or so.
You go girl..... I hope you hit the 500 mark soon

Debbie said...

Praise the Lord!

I am so glad you have your water back. Praying for a good day for you.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

We're supposed to boil it and it sounds like there is a chance it will go out again...so I'm saving my 10 gal of water....well I may cook with it since it is from those reverse osmosis kiosks....I'm not sure about cooking with water I have to boil first. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Oh I meant to say that last night I started tellign the children it was like "luxury" camping and we should think in those terms...with that point of reference I'm going to go take my cold shower. LOL

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord for answered prayer!!!

Anonymous said...

Sis: Just one thing to share about H2o! Never did have water we didn't have to boil in Liberia and the Philippines..... NO MATTER WHAT PEOPLE & BOOKS SAY!!!!! BOIL AT LEAST A FULL ROLLING BOIL 25 MINUTES. They say 20 is fine but when we only did that YOU always got sick. Better to over do when it comes to boiling water for saftey than to get sick.


Lisa in Jax said...

What a blessing! I'll keep up the prayers until the city gives the all clear. All the problems throughout the nation remind me of hurricane weather. Never was thankful for the necessities until after that last hurricane in Miami.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your water is back on. It's funny how you can still find humor in these situations! I know it's hard to deal with and sometimes all you CAN do it laugh...

Jen in Az.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

25 minutes? I was doing 5 minutes...ooops....

Cynthia said...

Glad your water is back! Hopefully you won't have to boil it for very long... but until it's ok I'd boil longer as your mom suggested.

Romany said...

Wow, just catching up with the latest entries.

So glad you got water again!
