Saturday, January 06, 2007

The crib/toddler bed conversion

Jamin started the process while I was out with Jared. Jared finished taking the bed apart.

Arielle and Nolan moved the mattress and parts to Arielle's room. Arielle is driving this transition - I'm not ready to lose my baby. LOL

Stacia of course wanted to help
Think she likes the bed?
Hugs after trying it out...

Night One - went down and slept through the night...Mom and brothers checked on her repeatedly.
Night two - up at 4:00 and wandering the house with Arielle chasing behind her, Mom fits in some blogging time. ::snort:: I need to figure out that railing for my bed so when she does this I can put her in my bed with me. As is, she wakes up when I put her down and then pats me on the back when I pick her up.


Renee said...

A thought... if you close the bedroom door fully can Stacia open it? That would prevent her from wandering if she wakes up early.....

Lisa in Jax said...

lol She looks sooo sweet! I'm glad you got one night and maybe she'll do better as time goes by.

Anonymous said...

She looks like such a big girl! I'm glad that you got that one night of "peace". Hopefully she doens't get you up too early now.

Jen in Az.

Stephanie said...

Oh how sweet! That's such a good "sleepy" picture. Even though she was an early riser it sounds like she's doing great with the transition!

Anonymous said...

way to go! Grab a night anytime you can. Neat that Arielle wants her so much in her room. She'll get to be the night big sister also.

Those two gals are sure cuties. Love the new look Nolan has had this past year with longer hair.
How sad that I think ALL my G'Kids are so cute!!

Debbie said...

How sweet. Looks like she is ready to be a big girl...although 4am is a bit early for me! Yikes! Hopefully she will settle in and sleep a bit later.

Kathy in WA said...

Adorable pictures! What a sweetie pie.

Anonymous said...


Wonderful team work!

Emily said...

What fun pictures! Your kids are so adorable . .. the picture of Stacia sleeping is too cute!

Jodi said...

This is sooooo cute! I can't believe your baby is already in a big girl bed, seems like she was just born! It all goes so fast. Here's hoping she soon decides that 4:00 am is still night time!