Friday, January 12, 2007


~No school today – by plan. We did have speech. Zander came with us today. He enjoys going out with Nolan and I, though he is never happy when Nolan goes back with Miss Natalie.

~Produce co-op today. One of our members had added up the produce she received last week, shopped the ads and local stores and calculated that the same amount would have cost her twice the money on the economy. That was nice to hear. I don’t see how we can loose since he always gives us a 25% case discount AND throws in free stuff too. {G} I, personally, was relieved to hear this because we have YET to eat all the cauliflower and celery. ::snort:: I really felt that celery had NO nutritional value. Yes, I KNOW it burns more calories than it takes….but WHY would you care or want to eat it? Consider with me all the ways a person could burn the same calories that would be MORE enjoyable. Ah well….Adrienne told me today that they are “have calcium”. Since I don’t drink milk there is some merit in this. I’ll have to do some more research though to check out how MUCH calcium – trace amounts will not impress me…I can eat milk chocolate and get trace amounts of calcium. ::snort::

~I went to visit Heather, my favorite stylist at Trendsetters. I’m now touched up, waxed and ready to go for another 6 weeks. ::snort::

~I am really enjoying Jamin’s book. I did have some questions about commas and punctuations. I couldn’t find the exact answer to my question. Tricia suggested I check out a book and find the same sort of thing in it. Good idea!

~I watched the pilot of Northern Exposure. Yeah, not one for the children…..but watching the moose, seeing the scenery, hearing “ninilchik”….ah…my touch of AK.

~Pizza and now time for family movies. I’m not sure what is up. I ordered some old Flinstones because Arielle was curious…and I think we have Over the Hedge….

~Ah – this won’t matter to any of YOU but I finally admitted that my computer woes are not transitory and have begun typing blog entries in word on THIS computer….


Kristine said...

Will your kids eat celery with peanut butter (is that Feingold approved?), or celery with cottage cheese?

I don't like celery either--at best, it's a good way to get the junky dip into my mouth!

Anonymous said...

Celery is a natural diuretic, as is cucumber. Juice those two together and it is a nice way to get rid of water LOL.

I love all the pictures! So glad you were able to load them. Stacia is just adorable.


Cynthia said...

We LOVE celery in stew and soup, but we don't like to eat in plain.

Anonymous said...

Sis: I never got any of you three kids to eat celery.... I loved it as a kid and even now..... P-butter, cheese, any dip etc make it go down easy. Also love it in slalds and soups because it is a bit crunchy.

Wish we had cauliflower at the prices you get....

I agree with you on the milk chocolate! :):):) We taught you well!!!

Jen said...

I like my celery with peanut butter, or cream cheese (ants on a log fare), in chicken salad, or in soups. Also good in stir fry.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yes...I like celery IN things...but see I don't need 2 big bunches of it each week for soups and salads! LOL We don't EAT that much around here. I put it in soups - but we are strange in that it has to be cool for us to eat a lot of this weekend we will eat a lot. We love soup...but when it's hot who wants soups?

Now - Adrienne if you read this I am not complaining - I'm simply responding to blog comments. ::snort:: Besides this week I gave Adrienne the second bunch of celery. LOL THEY eat it raw and love it.

I eat it raw if I put something on it....LOL

Kelly - I may have to buy a juicer and try juicing again....maybe. LOL I don't know - I found it fairly disgusting to drink green juice....but I could use up the celery. LOL

Anonymous said...

Sis: You mention a juicer so I am wondering if you got the juicer thing we sent you for Christmas?

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Mom - is that a juicer? The Magic Bullet? I got it - I just haven't quite figured out how to use it yet...but I will. I thought I told you I got it - sorry. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Sis: Heather has one and it is really neat for just about anything. SO I bought one when they said there was all the extra stuff with it and also got a 2nd one for at an extra gift.

Makes delicious Malts. Of course because I put in them what I want so they are real good.



Emily said...

We do not eat celery plain but with peanut butter or cream cheese and then almost always in soups!