Friday, January 05, 2007


Shew. Fridays have become our busy day - but I planned it that way.

Speech at 8:30 a.m.

Pick up Produce at 9:15 a.m.

Sort produce from 9:30 - 10:15 a.m.

Run to doctor - stay there until 11:30 a.m. Thanks to Adrienne and Heather for handling the details of co-op. I found it funny that when I got home there were still ladies visiting in my living room. I was thinking on the way home that it was a bummer to miss the visiting.

Lunch. I'm moderator this week on SHS so needed to skim list mail etc. Did so.

Stacia fell asleep so Jamin watched her (work out, write) while I took the rest (Cy was at work) to the park to meet Tricia and daughters. Jared played with Zander as their friends didn't show up and this worked well. It was a beautiful 77* day. Had a nice time with Tricia and was challenged - iron sharpens iron type friendship. I'm blessed.

Home, get children settled and go out for my night out.

Heather and Teresa invited me to dinner and a movie. We ate at a new deli. I had some Chicken tortilla soup that was great. Then on to watch "The Pursuit of Happyness" - I love movies based on true stories. I fell asleep in some parts - or so Heather reports. I don't think I missed anything really good...but anyway I did follow the plot and enjoyed the movie. I'd been CRAVING some popcorn...well OK - take a bag of popcorn, dump in m/m's and enjoy! I did. LOL I couldn't eat more than 1/2 of it...but it WAS time I will not let them talk me into a large bag that is only .50 more than the small bag...who cares???? I can't eat the large....or medium for that matter!

Home and the children are watching Hogan's Heroes. I'm trying to upload photos since it is working....LOL

OH - Heather and Tricia looked at the crib/bed....I think I figured it out, and they agree. I think that we got the bottom part of the crib (the part the mattress sits on) put back together upside down...which would explain why the side rain WON'T screw into it....but the tape is holding for now...I'll have to take it all apart again and fix it...or wait for Mike. ::snort::

Doctor was surprised my temp is still so low...but I assured him this is NORMAL for me. He's checking all the thyroid things again, diabetes and cholesterol....then I'll be good to go for another year.


Anonymous said...

Your day was busy! LOL on sleeping at the movies. I had a hard time staying awake on Christmas evening at the movies. My sister and her husband said the last time they went to the movies, they fell asleep during the previews and woke up during the credits. Joe was it was the most expensive nap he's ever taken LOL.


Heather said...

Thank you for going with us! Even though you did fall a sleep, at least you didn't snore! =D I really enjoyed your company. I actually think Alexander and Jesse could have been brothers. Our stories were so similar! LOL
We'll have to do it again soon!

Stephanie said...

Wasn't it a great movie! My oldest works as a manager at an AMC, and we finally took advantage of the free movies to see this one. I loved it! I'll have to try the m&m trick...

Anonymous said...

Sis: Do you ever have a calm day? :):) As to movie sleeping... that must be in the genes! However at a movie I can stay awake but never when watching TV. Almost as good as sleeping pills. :)

Just to sit and visit with friends is something I miss a lot. Don't get that chance to often anymore. Seems most of our close friends are having their own kind of problems with a sick or whatever spouse..... must be our ages. :):):)

Not sure if Dad was teasing me this morning or not but he said he was going into the attic to fix something. NO!!!!!!!!!! he isn't going in the attic. :) He might have just been teasing me. :(

Phyusical theraphy is going along fine here in the home. the PT guy thinks he sees some good progress.

time to go!


Debbie said...

What a busy day. Do you ever have a lazy day? You pack so much into everyday.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Nah - Fridays are just our busiest. We have more free time here than we've had in years...we even play and go to the park! LOL