Saturday, February 10, 2007

*The Bible Cure For Thyroid Disorders by Don Colbert, M.D.*

It's a "thing" I have. I need more than one credible source for any information (be that a Scriptural word study or a new piece of nutritional information) before I believe it. I set out to read a few more books on thyroid disorders before I believed what I read in the previous book too firmly. {G}

I picked this one up cheap at our local Christian Bookstore. It did agree with the info in Mary Shomon's book. Dr. Colbert also discusses more nutritional and environmental things that can impact the thyroid. I'm not quite ready to give up all plastic - but I'm getting closer. ::snort::

One thing that I'm finding to be consistent is that some of my favorite raw veggies are not good for someone that is hypothyroid - though they are great for someone who is hyperthyroid and fine for someone with NO thyroid issues. These include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale and sweet corn, peanuts, almonds and walnuts (all my favorites for salads!) make the list too. I've read this in two books and checked in Sally Fallon's book (crunchy nature type LOL) and Sally has the same list. I'm not sure how I'll act on this info, but it is turning up consistently. I need to find out how serious of a problem this is because I've NEVER been told this by any doctor or endocrinologist I've seen.

I enjoyed the small format and concise information in each chapter. I did NOT like the way that Dr. Colbert sometimes takes Scripture out of context (or so it seemed to me). I also did not enjoy the constant reminders to read this or that book that he has written in the past - this man is a prolific writer. I thought I was picking up a theme that it is God's will for all to be in perfect health - and I was. I don't necessarily agree with him here either.....or we can split hairs as I hear and say it's God's "perfect will" for all to be in complete health and his "permissive will" for some to be ill? I don't know...I only know that I see plenty of evidence that God allows and uses illnesses to draw us closer to Him and for His glory.

Other than those few things, I enjoyed the book. It will be good to have it on my shelf. I was considering reading Dr. Colbert's book "The 7 Pillars of Health". Has anyone read this? Is it worth it? Did you enjoy it?
I have ANOTHER book on hypothyroidism that I got from PBS...but the doc stated you should eat a diet of 800 calories to lose weight with a thyroid disorder. I'm not ready to go there since that disagrees with what I've been told to do - and I don't need a lot of conflicting information like that just yet. LOL


Kristine said...

Which Mary Shomon book did you read? (My library has half a dozen "Bible Cure" books by Colbert, but not the thyroid one!) I'm wondering how much my thyroid problems have impacted other hormonal problems that I've really suffered with.

I'm on thyroid meds BUT I also would guess that my natural, healthy levels wouldn't fall within "normal" range.

Like I don't have enough to figure out already . . . LOL.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I read "The Thyroid Diet" by Mary Shomon. I hope to read "Living well with Hypothryoidism" - that may not be the exact title...anyway - still trying to get it into the house.

Kristine, I'm finding that yes....having a thyroid disorder will impact all of the endocrine system...hormones included. Now some of the things are controlled well in some with meds...but there is a predisposition to various things because of the underlying thyroid disorder.

Emily said...

I know Dr. Colbert. He was our family doctor for years. He attended the same church that we attended when Carlos youth pastored for 11 years. He since has left his family practice and is now into whole natural healing. He is a very smart doctor . . I don't agree with everything he says but he does have a lot of knowledge of the topics he rights about. He lives about 20 minutes from us so we run into him once in a while. He also is on TV on many Christian programs. . .a few weeks ago Carlos was upstairs and he said Emily . . .come here quick. I ran upstairs to see what he needed. . he was watching on TV Dr. Colbert on a program . . I almost didn't recognize him . . I think he had a very horrible plastic surgery . . he doesn't even look like the same man. It was so strange seeing him like that.

Emily said...

oops- meant to say writes about!!