A friend told me once that we ladies tend to be "stuffed with fluff" if we don't watch it - like Pooh. She challenged me to be sure that my ministry, whether offering milk or meat, had the result of women with a more than fluff on the inside. Pooh reminds me of that....I have a Pooh watch, a Pooh sweatshirt and Pooh socks...and it all reminds me on those stressful days, when I wonder if it's worth it, that my goal is to mentor women who will not be "stuffed with fluff". ::snort::
I love your socks! Thanks for sharing them. I'm a Piglet girl myself. Have the watch and everything.
Jen in Az.
I also confess to wearing flannel and socks in TX!
I also wear socks and flannels to bed almost every night and I live in Florida :-)
Ah - we're either all strange, all hypothryoid or this is NORMAL and the rest of the world is strange. LOL
Goodness, I didn't know that anybody in the world wore anything but warm PJ's and socks to bed. :):)
If you just discovered warm and cozy flannel PJS what did you wear in AK? I suppose you had to wear something really warm like wool there?
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