Saturday, March 24, 2007


We've simply been busy "being" the last few days. Being a family, being sick, being back....

I spent most of Thursday in bed....taking decongestants, tea tree oil steams, vit C, and snorting salt water. Friday, I felt better than Wed and Thursday and there are things I NEED to do on Fridays.....SOoooooo....I took Nolan to speech, picked up produce and then took a nap for a bit, Mike and I went and picked up Arielle and Nolan from Camp Broadway, and then I came home and slept some more. I added Ibuprofen to my lineup yesterday and it seemed to help some. I think I may be even better today...but my teeth, face and head still hurt. I plan to rest as much as needed - basically when the pain reaches a point where I want to cry; I go take a nap. ::snort::

Mike has spent much of the last few days doing this:
all but my computer are now up and running. He even got the old, old computer in the younger boys' room working. This computer is the ONLY one that will run the school software and games that we bought back in the 90's. I thought we could put my old computer in there and upgrade mine...but my computer is running on Windows 2008 (or7) and is to NEW to run those programs but to OLD to run the new ones....What to do, to do, to do????

We've heard from both the girls quite a bit the past couple of days. Poor Krista was playing catch at an MC BBQ and got hit square on the eye with a baseball. She said the first thing she did was just drop to the ground, put her hand to her eye and assess if she still had an eye. Her reaction...silence and stillness freaked out the others....Yesterday, she said she has a nice black eye and the shape of her glasses frames are nicely imprinted around her eye as well. AND she reports that Nick, the young man who accidentally hit her has brought her lots of candy. I think I raised my girls right - lots of chocolate and they'll survive most anything. ::snort:: She's called the doctor and they told her what to watch for.

The older boys conned Mike into a Risk marathon (I don't think it took much arm twisting).
I'm including the photo below because it reminded me that I've not shared how we tracked Mike on his journey home. We got out the RISK board, found the general Desert Gulf area, then found Germany when we heard he was there, and guessed at Baltimore.....Yeah, I really should buy a globe...Mike tells us the RISK board isn't totally accurate. ::snort::
We had pizza baked on the grill last night. YEP - two weeks and they've still not got our oven working. Mike called them yesterday....maybe that will hurry them up. We watched a Jerry Lewis movie last night (something about a bride and the navy), Mork and Mindy episode and Hogan's Heroes. I finished season one of Walton's. I really like that show - have I said that before? I want to find the books that Earl Hamner wrote about his family and check them out.

Cy works today.

Mike will probably work on my computer today.
I'll probably make some cauliflower soup (my goal of 1200 - 1400 calories has gone out the window this week as it HURTS to eat anything - I've basically been eating chocolate when my stomach growls - it can melt in your mouth you know!).

I've been reading Jamin's book and it is GOOD and I'm not even a fan of the fantasy genre. He really fixed up the punctuation since the last time I attempted to read it. I don't feel like I'm working now when I read it and so I'm enjoying it much more. Now I just find things like "spelling" and "don't think locomotives were invented in ancient days" and "modern slang, better invent some ancient slang"....

Really not sure what else we'll do today. I'm the "let's go do something" one in the family and so when I don't feel like going, we mostly just do the "being" thing. I'm resting lots now because 1. I was really exhausted from the past 6 1/2 months and 2. I want to feel wonderful when we go camping next week.
BTW - using a blue sucky monster (those things they give you when you have a baby) works really well for shooting salt water up your nose, just in case you ever want to try it.


Anonymous said...

Sis & family:
Love you all, praying for you all, glad to hear you are all enjoying each other etc.

Will/Sherri are at her folks.

Nathaniel/Heather are going somewhere on near California and may come back with a puppy. ??

Bethany is home and so the kids have someone in the house. She is getting married early in June I think or maybe it's July.

Dad has blood tests Monday, sees his doctor, and may come home the middle part of the week. He is not having to take hardly any pain meds. Just the bleeding junk to straighten out.

I am planning to do 3 months worth of work during this spring break. :):):) :(:(:(


Jodi said...

Oh De'Etta this sounds like a bad cold/flu. I hope you're finally over it now.

Good about the computers being coaxed back into service. Bad about the oven, that must mess up your eating plan, well being so sick has done that too.

Cynthia said...

Sounds like Mike is making quick progress on the honey do list! It'll be nice to have those things done and out of the way when you head out on your camping trip.

Debbie said...

It looks like things are going so well with Mike back home, except for your cold that is. Of course, with Mike home you can pamper yourself. Maybe your body just waited and then knew it could relax and have some downtime with Mike home.

Hope you feel better soon.

Romany said...

Sorry to sound like a stuck record {g} but I don't want you to suffer unnecessarily.

Sinus pressure is congestion. Sinus PAIN is an infection. And it needs antibiotics.

I stuck it out taking home remedies for 2 weeks once assuming it was just a bad cold and congestion but when I got to the point that I thought ancient peoples had invented a GReAT thing with trepanning, Jamie packed me off to the doc.

Doc was annoyed with me that I'd not gone to see him earlier and gave a prescription for antibiotics. Within a few hours I was feeling better.

There may be reasons you are avoiding this that I don't know about so forgive me if I'm just being irritating. :-)


Kelly said...

I am glad you are feeling better and most of the computers are, too!

Ummm...I just saw your "have you exercised today" blinkie and I really feel guilty now LOL. I am not exercising until Monday. We have had rain, rain, rain all week and my body hurts. Not 95% devestation and I have to stay in bed all day because I can't function hurt. But enough that it is affecting me and my life. I am about to take a nap. I am not exercising for a couple days and hope that I feel better soon! Thank God for diet changes. I know I'd be in bed if I've not made those changes.

Oh, I hope never to have the need to squirt salt water up my nose, but thanks for the tip :)


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


Not irritating. Our wonderful med system is's VERY hard to get in....and so I wanted to fight this without going in. I'm feeling much, much I'm not sure what is up....

I laugh every time congress wants to go to a "national healthcare" system based on the military model.

Note - the DOCS are wonderful - getting an appointment is near impossible at the end of a week.

Anonymous said...

Delighted your dh is making quick work on the computers.
Glad you discovered the bulb syringe for the snorts...reading about the straw surprised me. lol
I agree w/Dorothy, it does sound like a sinus infection, especially when you wrote of the painful teeth part. Salt will make a hostile enviornment for the bacteria and antibiotics will kill them quicker. Please, consider making a appt Mon. if it hasn't cleared up. Pain free camping would be a more pleasant & positive experience! {G}

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yep - if it's not gone by Monday I will call and make a way to get in - promise.

I am feeling much better...just not totally better. You can tell I'm much better as I'm blogging, read email lists and plan to make soup for dinner. LOL

becky.onelittle said...

I will never say "Get the bulb syringe" again. Blue sucky monster is SOOOO much more interesting! Gross! I can't wait to read a copy of the book. Is there anything I should be looking for when I do? Did you ever get my address?

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


I think he is mainly just wanting to hear the reaction of the book from someone outside the family - and you are an awesome choice with your background and all. The first time he was ready to send it I found a sea of comma errors and dialogue issues. He reworked the whole thing. Now he's ready for you and Mike to read it. I'm finding a few errors....quite a few spelling things...a few times where I say "this sentence doesn't seem to fit the time period". I'll be done with my copy by the end of the weekend, I think. Then Mike will begin reading it....but while he waits for you and Mike to give him input he can consider mine. LOL