Saturday, April 07, 2007


Speech - I'll post about that later.

Produce co-op - You've seen photos below.

Hair appointment - touched up my roots and got a hair cut. I know what style I'm aiming for now. Heather, my hairdresser, laughed and said that it is the same style I have now - just longer. LOL

Good Friday service - Always good, though I wish more would attend.

The girls are back in America. They spent yesterday at Magic Mountain and are driving last night and all today to make it back to Spokane for Easter services.

Movie Night - Space Jam, Hogan's pizza - turned into a YOYO night as we headed out to Chapel. We'll do pizza today.


Renee said...

Wow, your protestant chapel onpost had Good Friday service? Ours had none.
The Catholic chapel had about 35 folks for Good Friday service at 3pm. Sounds like a bad time but the teachers had a work day, Germany employees were on holiday and the Americans mostly work across the street from the chapel so 3pm shouldn't have been difficult for most folks.
I think lots of folks skipped out on vacation as soon as school ended on Thursday... we are heading to Prague on Tuesday

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

EVERY chapel we've been at has had Protestant Good Friday services - every one of them. Maybe it's an Air Force thing.

We actually had TWO...a showing of the Passion at 2:00 p.m. and the service at 7:00 p.m.

Anonymous said...


Do you remember the services they always have in every church believing in the resurection in the Philippines? :Liberia churches also have a Good Friday service. Dad/I felt at loose ends yesterday with no service to go to.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yes....this is a big time of the year in the Philippines. I have a friend in WI and her church also does Good Friday services...I think it is more common than folks think. Did your church do it, Mom? I bet you guys miss it.

Anonymous said...


NOPE, our church did not have a Good Friday Service and hasn't for quite a few years.

Kirk spoke a different kind of sermon this morning and it was OH DO GOOD! He talked about the road one is on and some little known disciple. The guy is named in the Bible as a disciple just never spoken much about.
