Monday, April 09, 2007


Yesterday a.m. Dorothy (my friend from London) mentioned that she'd received notice that her blog was nominated for the Homeschool Blog Awards. I went to check out when we could vote and see the list of nominees (wonderful list to surf if you're looking for good reading). I found another SHS member - Dody from AK on the nominee list. I also found *me* listed in two categories. After I got over wondering why I didn't get a notice that my blog was nominated (I delete all sorts of spam about notices every day since I tried to win a free laptop in December ::snort::), I am flattered. I never set out to have a blog that would be "best" anything. I didn't set out to mentor. I set out to continue communication with friends and with my darling daughters who had the audacity to grow up and move to Spokane. Over time I have come to suspect that my passion for mentoring had popped into the blog as more told me they read....and so I'm very humbled that God is using this little techie tool for more than letting my friends know which days I blow it, which days we have fun, and which days we grow.
You can vote here if you'd like. OK - you may vote once in each category - voting will be this week only. They said to get the word out about the voting....I figured I could list my friends' blogs that are in the contst... and ::blush:: let you know that you can vote for me too. Other than that, I'm not sure HOW to get the word out...may know more if I'd not deleted the notification. And thanks, whoever, you are who nominated truly is an honor to have so many wonderful friends in real life and in cyber space. Here are the SHS blogs - ya'll made this list mama proud. ::snort::
Best Geographical Blog - You Did What? - London - Dorothy
Best Geographical Blog - Mountain Shade - Alaska - Dody
Best Live What You Believe Blog - Choosing Joy - me
Best Nitty Gritty Blog - Choosing Joy - me


Kristine said...

This should be sent to the loop. Would you prefer that someone other than you send it? Let me know--I'd be happy to.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

LOL - Yes, I'd much prefer that. ::snort::