Friday, May 25, 2007

Shew.... Life Can be soooo Tiring

I slept this a.m.

I read.

I got up and posted photos earlier to the blog.

I slept.

I got some beautiful flowers. Thanks, friend.

I read.

I had a melt down.

I got up and ate.

I was so tired I slept for 2 more hours.

I watched Hoodwinked with the family.

I did not take Nolan to speech. Mike did.

I did not do produce co-op.

Tonight was our second PWOC project night - and I missed it....that was a bummer for me. But it will be monthly.

I enjoyed having the girls home. I snuggled with Zander and Stacia. I oohed and ahhed over Arielle's first military ID - unfortunately no one remembered the camera - and I forgot to remind them.


Anonymous said...

Good woman! You're getting the rest you need. You're still having family time (heart healing) and getting the rest you need (body healing). Thank you for taking care of yourself!

Continuing prayers.

Anonymous said...


Don't rush it when it comes back to gaining strength back when your blood needs to build up. You'll get there but it just takes time. They had Dad drinking protein shakes (eck), eating protein bards (eck) and etc. I remember my Mom telling how after she lost babies they made her eat liver that had just been turned over in the pan........ oh eck and double eck??? of course that was way back in the 19teens and early 20's when medicine was way behind what it is now. :)
