Sally begins this chapter by sharing about her family's weekend with Rick Husband and family (commander of the space shuttle). It was really a beautiful story.
"Do we understand that our mission is not just to train our children so that they can live good lives? As we launch them into adulthood, we are to reach their hearts for Christ and teach them how to be his representatives in the world so that in whatever they do, they will glorify him." page 122
Lots of great thoughts here on the importance of the Word in our daily lives.
"The Word of God gives our children the basis for their faith, a proper world-view, and wisdom and advice for all they will encounter At the same time, it gives us the direction and instruction we need to be good mothers. In fact, it is as we apply God's Word to our everyday lives that our children will begin to understand it's worth to us and to them." p 125....
The thing that is convicting about this book is that it always seems to come back to us. ::snort:: I think that clearly spells out how important the ministry of motherhood is - but I have to keep reminding myself of grace as I read or I would begin to feel like I'm not quite up to the task. LOL
"In my experience we give this gift of faith by making the living Word a natural part of our family life. Reading the Bible as a family, memorizing passages together and discussing how they apply to our lives, even letting kids act out Bible stories are ways to build faith by letting Biblical truth permeate the fabric of our everyday existence. In addition, I believe, children must also see us stying our own Bibles and hear us mention ways the Bible helps us in situations we face. " page 125-26
"His Word will go with them to instruct them. It is indeed a gift of faith we can give them that will help them the rest of their lives." p126
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