Moto Lotto winner - Zander! We all over guessed based on our interstate driving yesterday. He guessed 10.
Quotes of the Day: While driving in the middle of absolutely NOTHING - see photos below - "Are we camping HERE?"
Zander - "Hey - mom! Look!!! Mountain cows!" (We'd pointed out mountain goats and so when he saw cows grazing on the side of a mountain as we came into OR....)
(Umm....Mcdonalds has salads and fruit but they have gotten our order REALLY wrong the last three times). This McDonalds had a GIANT play structure, air hockey, play stations, and basketball. The youngers were in heaven.

And I went and bought REAL FOOD (or as near real as I could find). I'm really CRAVING a GREAT HARVEST bakery so I can buy REAL bread. I may have to make bread in the trailer before this is over.
The road out of Denio, NV to Lakeside, OR is wild...steep, and nothing out there....nothing as far as you can see. It's like being on the alcan though the road was nicer. ::snort:: I told Mike that at least in TX when the scenery was this stark there would be cows, windmills, and oil derricks. We used to think it was the ugliest spot in America; we've since left the Pacific NW and know this is not true...but it is bleak! ::snort::
Quotes of the Day: While driving in the middle of absolutely NOTHING - see photos below - "Are we camping HERE?"
Zander - "Hey - mom! Look!!! Mountain cows!" (We'd pointed out mountain goats and so when he saw cows grazing on the side of a mountain as we came into OR....)
Yes...we got a late start. We went here.....
Because of this (x 4).
We called the dealership where we bought the trailer and they didn't want us to buy tires until we got to an RV dealer. We were in Elko,NV and didn't want to drive over the passes on these tires. We called the MAIN dealer...."Oh - we've recalled those tires!" Argh. They HAD our trailer for TWO MONTHS fixing a slide out/carpet issue and we could have had it done then. BUT it worked out better.....we got radial tires instead of whatever it was they would replace them with. They'll give us $80 per tire...we paid the difference.
While the trailer was in the shop we went here.....
This is the highest price we've seen on the trip. Elko, NV.
Wow - casinos everywhere. We didn't buy it here - we went here.... $3.23
And I went and bought REAL FOOD (or as near real as I could find). I'm really CRAVING a GREAT HARVEST bakery so I can buy REAL bread. I may have to make bread in the trailer before this is over.
We finally got on the road and headed out. Lunch found us at McD again - Cy this photo is for YOU - maybe you should print it and show it to TimO. ::snort::
This was another "scenic" day - we didn't do the interstate so we didn't travel as fast as we could have. We saw a lot of this. (Yes, my family has explained to me what will happen if the airbag engages.....)

The road out of Denio, NV to Lakeside, OR is wild...steep, and nothing out there....nothing as far as you can see. It's like being on the alcan though the road was nicer. ::snort:: I told Mike that at least in TX when the scenery was this stark there would be cows, windmills, and oil derricks. We used to think it was the ugliest spot in America; we've since left the Pacific NW and know this is not true...but it is bleak! ::snort::
I kept seeing signs with donkeys on them. This led to speculation as to the purpose of the signs...then we began to see WILD's a photo - the digital zoom sort of wonks out the photo....I may need to get out the Nikon - we are noticing the photos are washed out - but it is so easy to use. LOL We also saw antelope and deer. 
After hours of this nothingness we began our descent.....whew....that was a new experience with a trailer chasing you. ::snort::
We arrived in the Land of My Birth - OR. There is simply something magical about the pacific NW. It's gorgeous. The little ones couldn't stop talking about the "jungle". We've lived in pretty wide open spots since they've been old enough to really remember. Prices below are from Winemucca, NV.
We are seeing too much of this. ::snort:: Lakeview, OR
Arrived at KOA at 9:00 pm - THIS IS NOT! The pool is closed because folks were throwing their cigarette butts into the pool. People packed in like sardines....packs of youth running everywhere...but tomorrow we'll be at Jedidiah State Park and THAT is camping. LOL We're kinda long....
After hours of this nothingness we began our descent.....whew....that was a new experience with a trailer chasing you. ::snort::
We arrived in the Land of My Birth - OR. There is simply something magical about the pacific NW. It's gorgeous. The little ones couldn't stop talking about the "jungle". We've lived in pretty wide open spots since they've been old enough to really remember. Prices below are from Winemucca, NV.
We are seeing too much of this. ::snort:: Lakeview, OR
Arrived at KOA at 9:00 pm - THIS IS NOT! The pool is closed because folks were throwing their cigarette butts into the pool. People packed in like sardines....packs of youth running everywhere...but tomorrow we'll be at Jedidiah State Park and THAT is camping. LOL We're kinda long....
What a geographical education your kids are getting!
What's a mountain cow?
Lol! My favorite photo is of the feet and the ribbon of road ahead! Glad I'm not the only one who travels comfortable!
PTL the tire situation was resolved!
Continuing to enjoy the travel tales. I'm w/Dorothy, what's a mountain cow?
Oh, DQ opened this weekend. Corner of Home Depot parking lot off through lines go all the way back to Home Depot's building! Ahhh, if only Olive Garden could be next...
Dorothy - a mountain cow is a figment of Zander's imagination. We had showed him mountain GOATS and so when he saw cows grazing on the side of a mountain.....
LOL I better go back and edit this post to explain the mountain cow. LOL
DQ???? How exciting. We really missed blizzards while we were in AK - but Coldstone was a good sub. LOL
Wild donkeys, how neat! How frustrating that the dealer didn't take care of the tire issue when they had the RV. At least it was resolved without incident and you were able to get the tires you preferred.
The wild donkey's are nice. It must be quite an experience to take a long drive like this.
So glad you got your tires fixed. I am also thankful that the AF is paying for your trip, looking at those gas prices. Great experience for the kids. How has Stacia been doing? I bet, being in the desert, it is HOT, HOT, HOT, too. I love OR, especially Mt. Hood.
Be Careful!
Just be sure, if the airbags go off, that your family gets out one of the cameras & takes a picture of you with one toe stuck in your ear & the other up your nose.
You could probably win a prize at the state fair with that photo, especially if you frame it real nice.
So glad you were able to get the tire situation resolved quickly! That's dangerous, for sure!
The donkeys were fun to watch.
Beth - the AF is paying MIKE'S loding during our week in Spokane and mileage the mileage will completely or nearly cover the gas prices....and we're all staying in the camper so that is covered as well.
It's a God thing that Mike ended up with a week of duty in the middle of our leave time. ::snort::
Liz - will instruct family. ::snort::
Well, at least if the air bag opens you won't smother to death because your legs will leave some breathing space. :) PTL for the tires and that you are almost at Mike's homeplace. ENJOY!!
LOL Yeah, what Liz said!
I've been praying for you, especially about those silly tires. Glad things got fixed.
The AF can be helpful with paying for stuff ~ they're a little stingy at times, but it's always better than nothing!
Love the pics ~ glad you're having a good time overall!
Glad to see you blogging your trip. Seems like many many memories are being made. Was thinking of you this afternoon...HEB had more of those 4# strawberries on markdown for $4!! Erik is very excited for the smoothies that will be coming...mixed w/the remaining bananas from our last coop ;-)
Fun posts! We are heading the opposite direction (Idaho to Arkansas) in less than 2 weeks with our travel-trailer. We've had it just over a year, and this will be our longest trip yet. I don't know if I'll have reliable enough internet along the way (I can't imagine uploading pics via cell phone!) to blog as I go... but I'll definitely be posting about it when we get back.
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