I mentioned that my friend, Debbie has a Cannon PowerShot. It's really still bigger than pocket size and if I'm going bigger than pocket size I may as will take my SLR. Near as I can figure hers is a PowerShot A 350 or 450.
WHY does Cannon name all their cameras so closely? Today, another friend had her new
camera at the park. IT is a Cannon PowerShot SD1000 and is small enough to fit in a purse, diaper bag, pocket. She let me try it and there was virtually no delay. I took a photo of Stacia running and it was not blurred... I didn't see a sports mode. It is new enough that she wasn't sure if she had a sports mode. Does ANYONE have THAT camera? What have you thought in the long run?

I can't remember what camera Cindy has. She showed me when we met. It was a Cannon Power Shot but I don't think it was the big one...maybe? I can't remember. I was going to search her blog but can't find a search engine on her blog....I remembered it was a gift but it didn't show up in her Christmas or Birthday post.....I know I saw a post on her camera.... LOL
De'Etta, I've been doing some more fiddling with my camera which is a PowerShot A630.
It has a continuous shoot feature...didn't realize it until the other day. You can set it from 1 shot to 10. This takes the number of photos very quickly one after another...no lag. This has worked great for trampoline pictures or when the kids are running around. Each picture is very clear...no blur. You do have to set it to this mode, but I'm thinking if the kids are doing something quite active, I'll start using this. It is easy enough to delete ones I don't want.
I think the key with the lag is that most small digitals have a two-stage type focusing thingy (so technical). When I'm trying to get shots of the kids, I keep my finger half depressed on the shutter button, this keeps the camera focusing the whole time. Then a can quickly depress it get the shot.
Not sure if this makes sense of not.
It makes perfect sense to me - the Nikon also has the push it 1/2 way down thing.....
This S1000 really didn't have a noticeable delay. I was impressed....now if I could only try out the A models...I should have asked local Debbie and taken a photo but I didn't think of it....I didn't think of it today either but Trish suggested I try it out. LOL I can call Debbie and ask her to bring her camera to church.
Mine is the SD800... I think I told you that they had the new 1000 out... mine is almost a year old now.. the SD800 that is. I *LOVE* it!
I just noticed that HHGREGG has a 50% off this week and it includes their cameras. Also I need a flat screen monitor for the school room, so I am waiting until the FREE SCHOOL TAX week, the first week in Aug. I don't know if your state has that or not. I can check.
What is HHGREGG????
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