I had 2 things I really wanted to complete this week (bills and Cy's portfolio) and 3 things I really wanted to organize this week (toy closet, files, school closet). I didn't think I could do Lisa's Summer Clean-up Challenge because I didn't have a "room" to tackle...but I have these closets I had planned .....so I'm going to say I qualify to play. OK Lisa? ::snort::
This is the toy closet.
I should point out that this closet is really big and my kitchen would be much bigger if they hadn't built this walk in closet. ::snort:: This is also the movie closet and costume closet. I want to organize all three areas of the closet. The videos are not terribly out of order. I need to continue to think of the best way to organize the costumes. The toy mess was a priority. It will make life much easier and efficient if the boys can pick things up quickly. I'm all about preparing for an easier school year next year. ::snort::
Monday, I told Nolan and Zander to go through all their toys and throw out anything that was broken. Anything they no longer played with was to go in the Goodwill box. While they did this, I balanced the checkbook and paid bills. They found a 13 gal garbage bag of broken toys. They also "organized" everything. They had 3 rubbermaid-like tubs that had become overwhelmed with the amount of toys being placed in them (See photo above!).
Today, I had all three of the youngers take every toy out of the closet again, while Stacia napped.
I found a 13 gal and a yard garbage bag full of toys. We also FILLED our geocaching backpack - from cache to cache.
Then we sorted toys into categories (dinosaurs, ocean animals, puzzles...).
I'd done all of THIS before...but Darshia had inspired me. I hadn't figured out how to make it EASY for the boys to KEEP it organized - and therefore I keep doing the above things every 3 - 6 months. Today, I took a picture of each group of toys. I made labels with the title AND picture of what goes into the bin.
The boys know exactly where each toy goes. I know where each toy goes. Company will know where each toy goes.....AND I'm supposed to be doing lots of visual clues for Nolan's processing problem according to the therapist at the rehab center. This makes us all happy! 
About those costumes....I'm wondering if something like a suit bag would work. Put a costume and it's accessories in the bag, zip it up and hang it up. What have others of you done with something like this? I currently have them hanging in the back 1/2 of this closet and have bins above on a shelf for accessories. The problem is that the costumes are always in a heap......
It looks great! Teamwork gets the job well done.
Costumes...I'm still working that one out. Right now costumes and accessories for the boys are in a heap in a rubbermaid in the playroom. MJ's are hanging in her closet and she doesn't like to hang up her jewelry, but prefers her treasures by her bed.
I did buy some of those removeable hooks and was thinking of trying those for the boys' costumes. No hangers to fuss with, only a hook to put it on just like they do now w/backpacks and coats. No new holes in the wall since they're supposed to be removeable. Hooks are kind of pricey (sp?), so I'm wondering if a pegboard/dowels or something else would work...
Are the hooks more than 1.97 each? The suit bags at Walmart were 1.97. I like that I could put say the outfit, the hat, the hook, they eyepath in one bag and zip. Or clown suit, wig, nose in one and zip....The problem with the suit bags is that I have a LOT of costumes. LOL $$$$$
Maybe I can keep my eyes open for a big antique steamer trunk....
I just use a large rubbermaid bin with lid. Everything goes in there and they can sort it all out when they want something. The only rule is they have to put everything back in the bin when they are done. Simple, yet effective.LOL
And Yes, your closet counts! It was messy and you cleaned it.lol
Good job!
Well - Lisa that HAD been my system for years....but it had become a huge pit! After sorting I discovered it's not that they have a ton of toys but they "invent" things and those were in the bins, church clothes that fell off hangers were in the bin, missing shoes were in the bins....you get the idea.... ::snort::
We are working on a combo of removable hooks and a wall mounted coat, backpack hanger. The kind with pegs. I found 1 at Goodwill. Our BX has muli-packs of those removable hooks, for not too terrible a price. Base housing and all, we didn't want to put too many holes in the wall. With everything hanging the costumes can be seen instead of tossed about as the choices are made. As for the little bits, eye patches, etc.. We use a medium, clear rubbermaid. Whatever gets dumped out, must go back in.
You are inspiring me with all of your organizing! I cannot stand the chaos in my home right now, but I have been so ill and tired that I am getting nothing done. Now I am nesting-without all of the energy that is supposed to come with that. Good luck with your quest!
Kristine~ in the middle of it all!
Hmmm....I assumed hooks wouldn't work becuase the hangars haven't worked...but maybe.....I'm going to think about this, count costumes and see which way is affordable. I love the idea of all the little pieces being with the costume. LOL
De'Etta, we have our dress up clothes hanging up with bins underneath/labeled for accessories (hats, gloves, purses, jewelry, shoes, etc.)
We also have a big antique Hershey's chocolate crate to hold bigger items like swords, shields, helmets, etc.
All our dressup items are in a big rubbermaid type container with lid. You may need two since with more little kids you probably have more outfits.
Wow, great job, everyone! That is a very big closet.
We have all our dress-up stuff in a bin and it is a mess...everything seems to go in there...real clothes, slippers, toys, you name it! I would love to have it more organized. I actually have access to a steamer trunk...my mom has one and offered it, but I have no room for it! :-(
We have a room that is being used for our living room while our other room is being finished. I had hopes of using this as a school/computer room, but I can see it being used for the toys now. With the Littles, we still have a lot of toys.
In our playroom, I actually have a armoire that I bought at Walmart. In the bottom drawer is swords, etc. Hanging up is their dress up and up on top, in a rubbermaid, is hats, etc. I guess if you don't have room, a garment bag would be good, but aren't those pricey?
Beth in GA
A rubbermaid container for the costumes is not what I want. I want more organization - so they can take ONE out without dumping them all out. We have a LOT of costumes....all sizes....genres....hooks may work.
LOL right Debbie, that is what was going on with our toys in Rubbermaid and I think we'd have the same thing with the costumes.
**I actually have a armoire
This would be the perfect solution - maybe...and it would fit in the closet...but it may not be affordable right now for us - have to buy that new camera you know. LOL
I just recently bought a new one when we moved here. I had a larger one that I bought at the thrift store. I would look there and garage sales first. The other one wasn't very expensive. Not much if any over $100, but I understand about those cameras. Those take priority sometimes, lol.
You know me and ALL kinds of 2nd hand places..... I think your kids would respond well to you having them dress up, take a foto of them in one costume at a time, put it on the garmete bags,etc.... maybe even a SMALL, SMALL reward for putting things away proper.... maybe a family pot of ??? that could be earned.
Anyway, have fun!!!
Wow, do I ever remember the tons of times I organized this or that. My big projects anymore are YOUR Dad's garage.......... :(:(
:( We plan to get that done before I have to go back to school. :(:(
We don't have any dress up clothes so I'm not much help along that line, but I did want to say we reorganized all of our toys a few months ago. It's GREAT. We used all sorts of matching rubbermaid containers and have them shelved in one cubby of the bookcases.. back by the boys desk in the library. They all know which box contains which toys, but I LOVE the picture idea! I may have to go back and add a photo one of these days. GREAT IDEA!
We also just went through and reorganized all of our filing cabinets.. 8 of them (LOL)! Now we have a bunch of different file cabinets.. technology for all the techie stuff (mutltiple GPS units, walki talkis, cell phone stuff, etc), a photocopying one with all of the forms I always need to copy, scratch paper, new paper, copy machine supplies, etc... egads.. I better quit there and just go make an entry on my blog (LOL)!
I had a similar closet. Well, I thought it was big but compared to yours it wasn't. :-) I loved having ONE place where all the toys could live & it's probably the biggest thing I miss now. I am constantly trying to keep the littles room organized. I'm starting to give it up for a lost cause.....
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