Day 14- Spokane, WA - June 28, 2007
Quote of the Day: "It's dangerous to wear a shirt in Spokane with G (our last name) on the back of it." Jamin's observation after being stopped over and over by folks who know the girls. LOL
Jamin and Jared felt well enough to go to Silverwood Theme Park today with the other youth from the convention. We didn’t know that it was a water park too. Mike and the boys arrived early because they knew they had to buy tickets - they had time to go buy swim wear.
Quote of the Day: "It's dangerous to wear a shirt in Spokane with G (our last name) on the back of it." Jamin's observation after being stopped over and over by folks who know the girls. LOL
Jamin and Jared felt well enough to go to Silverwood Theme Park today with the other youth from the convention. We didn’t know that it was a water park too. Mike and the boys arrived early because they knew they had to buy tickets - they had time to go buy swim wear.
While they were gone, I began laundry…..which continued all morning. $12.50 to do 5 loads of laundry. I need to do laundry about every 3rd day. Ugh.
We had lunch and then set out to explore the KOA that we “almost” stayed in. It IS to far from the convention….but it did look nice. As Mike drove along a country road connections popped up and down and we were able to access long enough to find waypoints to about 6 caches.
We found a great cache with darling stuffed animals inside. We chose this one to be our trailer mascot. Cool.
Stacia napped in the van….we headed to Wal-Mart to buy a few more essentials. I need to buy milk and produce daily. ::snort::
We are meeting a lot of full time RVers…’s fun to visit with them about their lifestyle. Several have mentioned that they’ve met lots of home school families who are full time Rvers. Hmmm….not sure Mike could live with hitting his head on the bathroom doors or the hatch over the bed full time. ::snort:: Not sure *I* could deal with a micro kitchen full time. BUT we are seeing the appeal of a lifestyle like this…..though I can’t help wondering…..I dream of settling down in one spot, planting a garden and plants and living in the location long enough to see results……and full time RVing would sort of negate that dream…..but I’ve lived my entire life moving every 2 - 4 years - not sure I’d like all those roots anyway. ::snort:: There is something to be said for not having a big mortgage and being able to see new areas of the country. I have a dear high school friend whose family took off in a boat - to live. They decided about a year into it to move back to land….it was a GREAT experience but they found that it was hard to fulfill the Great Commission type ministry/relationships with a totally nomad lifestyle….Anyway - lots to think about.
GOOD to hear from you! We've been "living" in our camper now as well since we're working out of town. I *LOVE* IT! I can clean the whole thing in about 10 minutes TOPS!... maybe 15 if the boys brought some muddy toys inside.... I don't have piles of things staring at me waiting to be done, I don't have any "things" needing to be taken care of, etc.... I've come back home and taken a more serious look at what I can get rid of to be able to enjoy a more simple lifestyle.. similar to camping, but in the house (LOL).
FUN to do some geocaching along the way!
We have friends who hs. They just sold their large ranch and bought a motor home. They are leaving this month for a year long trip around the U.S. with their children, 12, 9, 8, 6. I could never do it, but WHAT an amazing experience!
Do you find that RVers are a subculture all of their own? Kind of like soccer families, geocachers, hsers, lol!
Phooy! Still hope to go geocaching someday.
De'Etta, after Wayne retired from the army after almost 24 years I thought I'd have a hard time settling down too. I moved quite often as a child (attended 15 different schools) so the nomadic lifestyle was all I knew. That being said, I am happy we have established roots. We still travel but just not to the extent we did as a military family. I treasure those memories we made but I am content in our new lifestyle.
Sorry to hear everyone has been so ill and praying for good health and safe travels for all.
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