Quote of the Day: Several from Zander….”that moose is just a baby moose” - “that’s a BIG baby moose”. There is snow on the mountains because “the angels are making snow cones”.
We spent a.m. sleeping (Mike and fishermen) and doing laundry. ::snort:: Mike also ran back to the DMV to get his license. They still aren’t sure what to do. The problem has to do with the CDL. If you are driving interstate you lose your AK CDL…and there is some new process you have to go through - rules are changing within the last month. So he said he wasn’t driving interstate and they were renewing his CDL and such for AK….but when he gave the TX address it swamped the computer…..They asked him to come back Monday. He agreed, but told them he’s leaving Tuesday. He suspects he will have to tell them to cancel the CDL and simply renew his normal license. He’ll still have the military CDL equivalent for driving chapel buses/trucks etc.
We spent the majority of the afternoon at Kincaid Park. This park is amazing. It is situated at the point on the inlet. It has trees, mountains, wildlife and lots of hiking/biking/skiing trails. It’s a beautiful place to hike and climb - we did both.
Hiking at Kincaide Park - Stacia loved to run up to the boys and say "Go" then chase along side them...
We were thrilled to walk up on a moose. Yes, we were close….we were in the middle of the bike path and he was in the brush to the side. Stacia tried all her words to describe him. "Duck", “Dog”, “Bea” (Our dog), “horse”. It was cute. Zander maintains this was a BABY moose...even after seeing it all he said it was just a "big" baby.
This moose put on quite a show. YES we were close - this is not the work of the super dooper lens.
While we were out Dayton and Tammy, Club Beyond/youth leaders at Elmendorf, called and invited us to dinner. This is fun. They have children the ages of Arielle, Nolan, and Zander. The boys and Mike have a great time with Dayton - lots of memories and new tales to share. Tammy and I have fun catching up as well. We had a BBQ up at their home on the mountain. It was 10:00 p.m. when we left - this daylight thing is always challenging. Dayton and the boys left bright and early to go fishing today…..this is why all AK becomes manic/depressive in the summer time. ::snort::
This moose put on quite a show. YES we were close - this is not the work of the super dooper lens.
With Dayton and Tammy - no children photos - I forgot to ask permission to post. ::snort:: 

I need to call a list of friends today, and hopefully meet up with some. LOL
What a wonderful time you all are having! Such full, full day!
Glad everyone seems to be feeling better.
It's difficult NOT to have full days when the sun is up at 3 or 4 and going down after 11:00. LOL
Awesome foto's and neat to see you all having such a great time. Stacia sure looks happy having Josiah around and between Josiah and Jamin she has some easy rides etc.
Beautiful scenery and what an amazing moose photo!!
Photos are great. I can't believe you were that close to a bull moose. That had to be awesome.
Colin wanted me to scroll down again so he could look at all the pictures. He liked these of the moose the best!
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